Have you ever had to use any of these phrases before?
P.S., If you want to build your vocabulary with more positive words, be sure to check out this word list:
Olá, Jaime! 😉
Que bom você gostou da lição!
Team PortuguesePod101.com
La amo mais nao quero falar com voce agora. Estou chateado.
Esso é muito interesante
Hi Susan,
Thank you for posting.
To say:
"When I'm angry I don't want to speak with anyone. I get upset."
when spoken by a female speaker, we can say:
"Quando estou brava, eu não quero falar com ninguém. Eu fico chateada."
In case of any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Team PortuguesePod101.com
Quando eu estivo bravo, eu nao quero fala com pessoas. estou chateado.😞
Olá Simzz,
Thank you for leaving the comment. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Team Portuguesepod101.com
Love these words. Can be very useful in the future, in the right setting.