
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Paloma: Olá! Eu sou a Paloma.
Gina: Gina here! Welcome back to PortuguesePod101.com. This is Upper Beginner Season 2 Lesson 3 - Hoping For a Raise in Brazil. In this lesson you’ll learn useful questions for gathering more information.
Paloma: The conversation is between João and Marcos and it takes place in the morning at work.
Gina: The speakers are co-workers, so they’ll be using formal Portuguese.
Gina: What differences do you find between company meetings in Brazil and in the United Kingdom?
Paloma: Well, it depends a lot on the company’s culture, but the majority of company meetings in Brazil are a lot less formal than meetings in the UK.
Gina: What do you mean?
Paloma: Well, often employees will make jokes and interrupt explanations being given by their boss or supervisor, with no repercussions or even the thought of a reprimand.
Gina: Wow. That is different. But I’d imagine that it isn’t always like that.
Paloma: That’s true. There are some companies where the rules for behavior in a company meeting are even stricter than in many companies in the UK.
Gina: Really? How so? They’re not even allowed to speak?
Paloma: Exactly! Some Brazilian organizations have meetings that are so restricted and reserved that employees just listen and do as they’re told.
Gina: Yeah? I don’t think I’d like to work in a place like that!
Gina: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Paloma: The first word we’re going to look at is aumento...
Gina: ...which means "raise" or "increase"...
Paloma: Right, as in aumento no salário...
Gina: ...which is one of the phrases that Brazilians use when they’re asking for “a raise.”
Paloma: The full phrase is aumento de salário or aumento no salário which means “salary raise” or “raise in the salary." But Brazilians often just say aumento.
Gina: Right. The salary is implied. Okay, what’s the next phrase?
Paloma: Next is para você ter uma ideia.
Gina: This phrase means “so that you can have an idea.” Now, the grammar for this phrase is beyond the scope of this lesson, but the verb conjugation used is called “personal infinitive”.
Paloma: The word terem means “to have.” This phrase is used often to introduce reasons, like it did in the dialogue.
Gina: And to wrap things up, what’s our last word?
Paloma: It is movimento which is literally translated as “movement”
Gina: But in this dialogue, they’re talking about the movement of customers who come through the store. In other words, the number of customers that frequent the store in a given time period. Okay, now onto the grammar.
Gina: In this lesson, you’ll learn about using questions to gather more information once a problem has been identified. In the past two lessons, we have covered the main types of questions in Portuguese. Those are yes-no questions...
Paloma: ...and questions formed by using the question words o que, quanto, and como.
Gina: Right. In normal conversation, Brazilians will use these two types of questions repeatedly.
Paloma: Especially in situations like the dialogue, where they need more information, you can use these two types of questions to better understand the topic, and to gather more information about it.
Gina: Now, the rules about when to use yes-no questions, or questions that use question words are very complicated. However, luckily for you, those rules are almost identical to the rules for English. So, instead of going through the grammar rules, let’s look at some examples of how these question words can be used together in a normal conversation.
Paloma: Good idea!
Gina: For example, let’s say you go to a new restaurant with some friends and are trying to decide what to eat. As you look at the menu, the waiter approaches and asks what you would like to order. You tell the waiter,
Paloma: O que é “filet mignon simples”?
Gina: “What is “filet mignon simple”?” Pay attention to the question words, as they’re used to gather general information.
Paloma: Then the waiter responds by saying, É um prato delicioso com filet mignon, arroz, e feijão.
Gina: “It’s a delicious dish with filet mignon, rice, and beans.”
Paloma: So here's the explanation. Using o que causes the waiter to give a description of the dish. Isn't that better than just "It's good"?
Gina: Now compare that to this next question, “Do you recommend it?”
Paloma: Você recomenda?
Gina: This is a yes-no question. The waiter responds by saying...
Paloma: Sim, com certeza, which translates to “Yes, certainly.”
Gina: The dialogue has some good examples of this as well.
Paloma: It sure does. In the dialogue, Marcos says Quantas pessoas o senhor está esperando?
Gina: Which translates to “How many people are you expecting?” Here, he uses the question word for “how many”.
Paloma: ...quantas. Then, a little later, Marcos says Isso é muito?
Gina: Which translates to “Is that a lot?”
Gina: Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular?
Paloma: It’s because they work!
Gina: We’ve taken this time-tested studying tool and modernized it with My Wordbank Flashcards!
Paloma: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears!
Gina: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called My Wordbank.
Paloma: Master words in your My Wordbank by practicing with Flashcards.
Gina: Words in My Wordbank come with audio, so you learn proper pronunciation.
Paloma: While you learn to recognize words by sight!
Gina: Go to PortuguesePod101.com, and try My Wordbank and Flashcards today!


Gina: Well, that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Paloma: Até a próxima! Tchau!

