
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Paloma: Olá! Eu sou a Paloma!
Gina: Gina here! Welcome back to PortuguesePod101.com. This is Upper Beginner Season 2 Lesson 10 - How Will The Kids Get Home From Their Brazilian School? In this lesson you’ll learn about the future subjunctive.
Paloma: This conversation is between a husband and wife, and it takes place at home in the evening.
Gina: The speakers are married, so they’ll be using informal Portuguese.
Paloma: Let’s talk a bit about public transport for school kids in Brazil.
Gina: In most Brazilian cities, the public school transport system does not exist. There are no big yellow school buses in Brazil. But students can receive fare discounts or free rides with public transportation.
Paloma: There’s also a sizable industry of individuals and small companies who purchase small-sized vans and small buses, to transport children from their homes to their schools.
Gina: Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool! What are they called again?
Paloma: They’re often referred to simply as van or transporte and they’re independent from the local government.
Gina: Right. But, they’re all registered with the schools and the drivers are licensed by the city or state government.
Gina: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Paloma: Okay, first we will look at two phrases, they are, tenho que and tenho de. In the dialogue, you heard the phrase Eu tenho que.
Gina: It means “I have to.” We’ve taught this phrase in a previous series and it’s one that you hear a lot every day in Brazil.
Paloma: A similar phrase that you do not hear as often is eu tenho de. The meaning here is exactly the same as eu tenho que, but eu tenho de sounds more professional or more educated. So, Eu tenho de começar com a próxima frase.
Gina: (laughs) That’s right! You do “have to start the next phrase”!
Paloma: Glad you found that funny! Okay, next is buscá-los.
Gina: This phrase is literally translated as “search them” or “go after them.” However, in the dialogue, and in most contexts, it means “pick them up.”
Paloma: That’s right. The idea behind the verb buscar is to go get something or someone and bring it or them back. Also, this is a special structure of the verb.
Gina: Isn’t there another similar form that you would use when the people you are “picking up” are all females?
Paloma: You mean buscá-las? Thanks for reminding me! This phrase is not used very often in daily conversation in many parts of Brazil. However, in other areas, it's used all the time.
Gina: And most importantly, any Brazilian would be able to understand this phrase so you should be able to, as well. What's our last phrase?
Paloma: Ah okay. That would be the phrase talvez ela possa. It’s what we often call a subjunctive phrase.
Gina: And it means "maybe she could." That’s easy enough to understand, since “maybe” always brings a feeling of uncertainty when it’s used. Okay, now onto the grammar.
Paloma: In this lesson, you’ll learn about the future subjunctive or futuro do subjuntivo.
Gina: The subjunctive can be used in the past, present, and future. In this lesson we’ll look at using the future subjunctive tense. The future subjunctive tense is not unique to Portuguese. English has it too, however, in English we don’t have special conjugations for the future subjunctive tense. Some examples of English future subjunctive would be “I will go if he comes.” and “They will do it when he asks them.”
Paloma: In Portuguese those would be Eu vou se ele chegar and Eles o farão quando ele pedir, respectively. As you can hear, these sentences also use the future subjunctive when translated into Portuguese.
Gina: Now, there are at least two different ways to explain the future subjunctive and how to use it. We’ll look at both methods. The first method for forming the future subjunctive starts with the Portuguese third person plural preterite tense.
Paloma: First, you conjugate the verb into the third person plural preterite tense.
Gina: Can you give us some examples?
Paloma: Of course. The verb falar “to talk”, becomes falaram “they talked”, the verb comer “to eat” becomes comeram “they ate”, and the verb dormir “to sleep” becomes dormiram “they slept”.
Gina: Exactly. You then drop the “-r-a-m” ending and add a new ending. For the singular forms, you simply add “r.” For the first person plural, you add “-r-m-o-s,” and for the third person plural you add “-r-e-m.”
Paloma: Yes! Let’s apply those rules. So, the verb falar “to talk” in first person singular is falar “i will talk”, which is exactly the same.
Gina: Exactly. It’s as if you are simply stating the infinitive. For first person plural, there is a slight change so it would become…
Paloma: ...falarmos “we will talk”.
Gina: And what would it be in third person plural?
Paloma: It would be falarem “they will talk”.
Gina: It’s also important to remember that the subjunctive is only used when there is an uncertain mood about what is being said and that what you’re saying is in the future tense.
Paloma: Let’s talk about the second method now.
Gina: Sure. It’s used to simplify the future subjunctive tense by reusing the infinitive form in a subjunctive situation.
Paloma: This explanation usually works because every form of the future subjunctive is simply the infinitive form of the verb.
Gina: Now, the least common conjugations for the future subjunctive tense, which are the first person plural and third person plural, do have a slight change but they are simply additions to the infinitive form.
Paloma: That's right. So, simply reuse the infinitive form whenever you need.
Gina: And when you need to conjugate the verb to the “we” or “they” form, you add “-m-o-s” or “e-m”, respectively.
Paloma: For example, Ele vai viajar quando tiver dinheiro.
Gina: “He will travel when he has money.” Okay, what if we want to use “we”?
Paloma: Then it will be Nós vamos viajar quando tivermos dinheiro.
Gina: “We will travel when we have money.” If you wish to change that to the third person plural, the same sentence would be…
Paloma: Eles vão viajar quando tiverem dinheiro.
Gina: “They will travel when they have money.”
Paloma: Our last tip for this lesson is that verbs following the triggers quando, assim que, se, logo que, depois que, or enquanto will be in the future subjunctive if the main verb of the sentence is in the future tense.
Gina: Right! Examples, please?
Paloma: Eu vou dormir assim que puder.
Gina: “I’ll sleep when I can.”
Paloma: Elas vão jogar vôlei se não chover.
Gina: “They’ll play volleyball if it doesn’t rain.”
Paloma: Eu vou ficar triste quando essa aula terminar.
Gina: “I’ll get sad when this lesson ends.”
Paloma: Dear listeners, ever pressed for time?
Gina: Listen to the Dialogue Lesson Recap!
Paloma: These audio tracks only contain the target lesson dialogue.
Gina: So you can quickly recap a lesson.
Paloma: Spend a few minutes learning on days when you don’t have time to study a full lesson.
Gina: The audio tracks are just a few minutes long...
Paloma: but you’ll still pick up key Portuguese phrases along the way.
Gina: Go to PortuguesePod101.com...
Paloma: ...and listen to this lesson’s dialogue audio track.


Gina: Alright, that’s all for this lesson! Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!
Paloma: Até mais!

