
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello and welcome to Portuguese Survival Phrases brought to you by PortuguesePod101.com, this course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Brazil. You will be surprised at how far a little Portuguese will go.
Now, before we jump in, remember to stop by PortuguesePod101.com and there, you will find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment.

Lesson focus

There will be many times when the Portuguese around you or coming at you is fast and furious, and you may not catch all or any of it. In instances such as these, asking the speaker to say it again can prove the difference between understanding a crucial piece of information or spending the rest of the day trying to figure out where exactly you should have turned left. So, to prevent this from happening to you and to tune your ear, you should use the following phrases over and over!
In Portuguese, "Please, could you repeat that?" is Por favor, você poderia repetir?
Por favor, você poderia repetir?
Let’s break it down by syllable: Por favor, você poderia repetir?
And one time fast: Por favor, você poderia repetir?
The first term, por favor, you've already learned, and it means "please."
Next, we have você, which means "you."
Then we have poderia, which means "could" or "would be able to."
This is followed by repetir, which in English, is "repeat."
So all together, we have Por favor você poderia repetir. Literally, this means "Please could you repeat (that)?" The ("that") is inferred in Portuguese and doesn't need to be said.
At times, even repetition of what is said isn't enough to understand the speaker as the words are still too fast. When this happens, you can use the phrase "Please, could you speak slower?"
In Portuguese, "Please, could you speak slower?" is Por favor você poderia falar mais devagar? We've already looked at the first part of the phrase, Por favor você poderia..., so let's look at the next word: falar.
Falar means "to speak" in English and is a very common word.
This is followed by mais, which means "more." Thus far, we have falar and mais. Literally, these mean "Speak more...."
Let's take a look at the last word, devagar, which means "slow" or "slowly."
So all together, we have Por favor, você poderia falar mais devagar.
Por favor, você poderia falar mais devagar.
This means "Please, could you speak slower."
Cultural Insights
Por favor você poderia... means "Please, could you (insert phrase here)?" This is a great base phrase for making any type of request, and you'll see it over and over in these lessons.


Okay, to close out this lesson, we'd like you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for saying it aloud. You have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so boa sorte!
"Please, could you repeat that?" - Por favor, você poderia repetir?
Por favor, você poderia repetir?
Por favor, você poderia repetir?
"Please, could you speak slower?" - Por favor você poderia falar mais devagar?
Por favor você poderia falar mais devagar?
Por favor você poderia falar mais devagar?
Alright, that's going to do it for today. Remember to stop by PortuguesePod101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment.

