Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone! Olá gente, tudo bem?
Paloma here, and welcome to another Whiteboard Lessons!
Today, we're going to talk about Days of the Week!
So first, let's look at the vocabulary.
Segunda-feira means "Monday."
Quarta-feira means "Wednesday."
Sexta-feira means "Friday."
Sábado means "Saturday."
And last one is,
Domingo means "Sunday."
Now let's look at the dialogue. When I read, I want you to pay attention to the day of the week and see how it's used there.
Hoje é que dia da semana?
Hoje é quarta-feira.
Hoje é que dia da semana?
Dia da semana means "day of the week"
"What day of the week is it today?"
Hoje é quarta-feira.
"Today is Wednesday."
So you can see the new pattern here:
Hoje é [day of the week].
"Today is [day of the week]."
This is same as English.
So the pattern is pretty simple, it is same as English.
Hoje é [day of the week].
"Today is [day of the week]."
So let's see a few more examples as well.
Hoje é segunda-feira.
"Today is Monday."
Hoje é terça-feira.
"Today is Tuesday."
So today we learned the days of the week, but it's much more common to always say "segunda," instead of segunda-feira; "terça," instead of terça-feira; and so on. "Quarta," "quinta," "sexta"; and sábado and domingo are the same.
The things is that we usually just say "segunda" and omit feira, because they're weekdays.
So that would be:

