Welcome to Can-Do Portuguese by PortuguesePod101.com. |
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask if a store has something in Portuguese. |
For example, "Excuse me, do you have salt?" is |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
Sergio Santos is at a small grocery store and wants to buy some salt. |
He gets the clerk's attention and asks if the store has some salt. |
Before you hear the conversation, let's preview some of its key components. |
Sal. |
"salt" |
Sal. |
Sal. |
Aqui. |
"here" |
Aqui. |
Aqui. |
Listen to the conversation. |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Once more with the English translation. |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
"Excuse me, do you have salt?" |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
"Yes, I do. Here it is." |
Let's break down the conversation. |
Do you remember how Sergio Santos says, |
"Excuse me, do you have any salt?" |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
This starts with, com licença, "excuse me." Com licença. |
First is com, "with." Com. Com. |
Next is licença, meaning "consent" in this context. Licença. Licença. |
All together, com licença literally means "with consent," but it translates as "excuse me." |
Next is você tem, "you have." Você tem. |
First is você, meaning "you," in this context. Você. Você. |
Note: in Brazilian Portuguese você is used when addressing someone in a casual conversation. |
After this is tem, literally "has," but translates as "have," in this context. Tem. Tem. |
Tem is from the verb ter, meaning "to have." Ter. |
Together você tem, "you have." Você tem. |
Note: você, "you," is always followed by a verb in the third person singular, as in Você tem, literally, "you has," but translates as "you have." |
Last is sal, "salt." Sal. Sal. |
All together, Com licença, você tem sal? This literally means "Excuse me, you has salt," but translates as "Excuse me, you have do you have any salt?" |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
Let's take a closer look at the response. |
Do you remember how the clerk says, |
"Yes, I do. Here it is." |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
First is tenho, meaning "I have." Tenho. Tenho. |
Tenho is a shortened form of eu tenho, "I have." Eu is omitted, as it's understood from context. |
Tem is from the verb ter, meaning "to have." Ter. |
Next is sim, "yes." Sim. Sim. |
Together, tenho sim literally means "I have yes," but translates as "Yes, I do." Tenho sim. |
Next is fica, literally "it stays" or "it is situated," but translates as "it is." Fica. Fica. |
Note, "it" is omitted as it's understood from context. |
Fica is from the verb ficar, "to stay" or "to be situated." Ficar. |
Last is aqui, "here." Aqui. Aqui. |
All together, it's Tenho sim, fica aqui. "Yes, I do. Here it is." |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
The pattern is |
Com licença, você tem ITEM ? |
Excuse me, do you have ITEM? |
Com licença, você tem ITEM ? |
To use this pattern, simply replace the {ITEM} placeholder with the thing you're looking for. |
Note: This pattern requires a noun. |
Imagine you're looking for milk. |
Leite, "milk." Leite. Leite. |
Say |
"Excuse me, do you have milk?" |
Ready? |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
"Excuse me, do you have milk?" |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Com licença, "Excuse me," can be used in a variety of situations, for example, to get someone's attention in a polite way or pass someone by in a crowded place. |
Again, the key pattern is |
Com licença, você tem ITEM ? |
Excuse me, do you have ITEM? |
Com licença, você tem ITEM ? |
Let's look at some examples. |
Listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers. |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
"Excuse me, do you have salt?" |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
"Excuse me, do you have milk?" |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Com licença, você tem água? |
"Excuse me, do you have water?" |
Com licença, você tem água? |
Com licença, você tem fruta? |
"Excuse me, do you have fruit?" |
Com licença, você tem fruta? |
Onde fica o açúcar? |
"Where is the sugar?" |
Onde fica o açúcar? |
Did you notice how the native speaker used a different pattern? |
Onde fica o açúcar? |
"Where is the sugar?" |
With this question, you are presuming that the shop has sugar. |
First is Onde, "where." Onde. Onde. |
Next is fica, "it is" in this context. Fica. |
Fica is from the verb ficar, literally "to stay," or "to be situated." Ficar. |
After this is o açúcar, "the sugar." O açúcar. |
Açúcar, "sugar." Açúcar. Açúcar. |
In Portuguese, all nouns have grammatical gender and are either singular or plural. Açúcar is masculine and singular — a fact which will determine the form of other words in the sentence. |
Before this is o, "the." O. O. |
O is masculine and singular to agree with açúcar. |
All together, Onde fica o açúcar? This means "Where is the sugar?" |
Onde fica o açúcar? |
This pattern is: |
Onde fica ITEM? |
Where is ITEM ? |
To use this pattern, simply replace the {ITEM} placeholder with the thing you're looking for. |
Note: This pattern requires a noun phrase. |
You should be aware of this pattern, but you won’t need it for this lesson. |
Let's review the new words. |
Leite. |
"milk" |
Leite. |
Leite. |
Água. |
"water" |
Água. |
Água. |
Fruta. |
"fruit" |
Fruta. |
Fruta. |
Açúcar. |
"sugar" |
Açúcar. |
Açúcar. |
Let's review. |
Respond to the prompts by speaking aloud. Then repeat after the native speaker, focusing on pronunciation. |
Ready? |
Do you remember how to say, |
"Excuse me." |
Com licença. |
Com licença. |
Do you remember how to say "salt?" |
Sal. |
Sal. |
And how to say "you"? |
Você. |
Você. |
Do you remember how Sergio Santos asks, |
"Excuse me, do you have any salt?" |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
Com licença, você tem sal? |
Do you remember how to say "yes"? |
Sim. |
Sim. |
And how to say |
"Yes, I do." |
Tenho sim. |
Tenho sim. |
Do you remember how to say "here?" |
Aqui. |
Aqui. |
Do you remember how the clerk says, |
"Yes, I do. Here it is." |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Do you remember how to say "milk?" |
Leite. |
Leite. |
And how to say "fruit?" |
Fruta. |
Fruta. |
Do you remember how to say "sugar?" |
Açúcar. |
Açúcar. |
Let's practice. |
Imagine you're Sergio Santos , and you're at the grocery store. Get the shopkeeper's attention and ask if they have milk, or leite in Portuguese. |
Ready? |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Listen again and repeat. |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Let's try another. |
Imagine you're Susana Santos , and you're at the grocery store to buy fruit, or fruta in Portuguese. |
Ready? |
Com licença, você tem fruta? |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Listen again and repeat. |
Com licença, você tem fruta? |
Com licença, você tem fruta? |
Let's try one more. |
Imagine you're Sabrina Santos , and you're at the grocery store to buy sugar, or açúcar in Portuguese. |
Ready? |
Com licença, você tem açúcar? |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Listen again and repeat. |
Com licença, você tem açúcar? |
Com licença, você tem açúcar? |
In this lesson, you learned how to ask if a store has something. This plays an essential role in the larger skill of shopping at a grocery store. Let’s review. |
Do you remember how to say "please?" |
Por favor. |
Por favor. |
Do you remember how Sergio says, |
"This, please." |
Isto, por favor. |
Isto, por favor. |
Imagine you're Jack Jones , and you're at a grocery store, and you'd like to buy something located close to the clerk. |
Do you remember how to say "that" in Portuguese? |
Aquilo. |
Aquilo. |
Ask the clerk for "that." |
Aquilo, por favor. |
Aqui está. |
Listen again and repeat. |
Aquilo, por favor. |
Aquilo, por favor. |
You remembered that you also wanted to buy milk |
Do you remember how to say "milk" in Portuguese? |
Leite. |
Leite. |
Now ask the clerk if the store has milk. |
Ready? |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Tenho sim, fica aqui. |
Listen again and repeat. |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Com licença, você tem leite? |
Well done! This is the end of this lesson. |
In this lesson, you learned how to ask if a store has something, an essential skill for shopping at a grocery store. |
Remember, these Can Do lessons are about learning practical language skills. |
What's next? |
Show us what you can do. |
When you're ready, take your assessment. |
You can take it again and again, so try anytime you like. |
Our teachers will assess it, and give you your results. |
Keep practicing — and move on to the next lesson! |