Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Oi, meu nome é Paloma. Hi everybody! I’m Paloma.
Welcome to PortuguesePod101.com’s “Português em Três Minutos”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Portuguese.
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb fazer which means "to do" in Portuguese.
In this lesson, we will learn how to use amar, the most romantic Portuguese verb, which is also the third verb in our series dedicated to the most common Portuguese verbs.
Amar means "to love" in Portuguese, so in this lesson we are going to see how to use it correctly. Let’s go! Vamos lá!
Imagine you are in a restaurant with your fiancé and he or she asks you -Você gosta de maracujá?
This means "Do you like passionfruit?".
So supposing you really like it, you can answer Sim, eu amo maracujá.
[slowly] Sim, eu amo maracujá.
So let’s break down this answer.
First we had-
Sim which is simply "Yes."
Then eu, which is "I" in Portuguese
After we have amo, which is the 1st person form of the verb amar in the present indicative.
Finally we had maracujá -- that means “passionfruit”.
So all together it is Sim, eu amo maracujá.
Note that in Portuguese we use the verb amar to express that we "love” something or someone.
If you just appreciate something, you can use gostar, which means “to like”. And you use the verb amar when talking about something you really love or about the person you are in love with.
So if you only like passionfruit, you can say Sim, eu gosto de maracujá.
[slowly] Sim, eu gosto de maracujá
To say that you really love or enjoy something or someone, you can also use the verb “adorar” as in Eu adoro maracujá which means "I really like passionfruit".
[slowly] Eu adoro maracujá.
And of course, amar is above all the verb of love, so if you are talking to the person you are in love with, you can tell him Eu te amo, which is "I love you" in Portuguese! Isn’t that romantic?
[slowly] Eu te amo.
Now it’s time for Paloma’s Points.
Sometimes you will have to express that you don’t like something.
For example, if you don’t like caju, the cashew fruit, you can say-
Eu não gosto de caju.
And if you hate it, you say-
Eu odeio caju.
Just be careful not to be rude when using the verb odiar.
In this lesson, we learned how to use the verb amar and to express various degrees of love. Next time we’ll learn another very useful verb, vir.
It is the opposite of the verb ir. Can you guess what it means? I’ll be waiting for you with the answer in the next Português em Três minutos lesson.
Até mais!

