
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Braden: Hi everyone and welcome to PortuguesePod101.com. The fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Portuguese. And this is Introduction Lesson 2 – “First impressions – Wow your Portuguese Friends!” My name is Braden.
Thassia: And I’m Thassia. And we’re introducing you to a new fun way to learn Portuguese.
Braden: At PortuguesePod101.com, each lesson is hosted by one native English speaker, that’s me.
Thassia: And one native Brazilian, that’s me.
Braden: The core of our approach revolves around language and cultural material presented in a fun conversational audio format.
Thassia: Not only our lessons are entertaining, but you will start speaking Portuguese right away!
Braden: That’s right. Now, there’re two main resources for every lesson. The audio lesson and the lesson support materials on our website, PortuguesePod101.com
Thassia: Most audio lessons have at least four main parts. A dialogue, a vocab and phrase section, a grammar section and a cultural insights section.
Braden: Exactly. In this lesson we will focus on the grammar section of each lesson and how it works.
Thassia: There is no impression like first, and in this lesson we will work on leaving the first impression that will last. Our dialogue takes place in Sao Paulo.
Braden: Today, we’ll work on self introductions. Now, this is a typical greeting you use when you meet someone for the first time. If you need re-listen to the dialogue, we have it again at the end of this audio file so you can reinforce everything we went over in this lesson.
Thassia: We also have the dialogue-only track.
Braden: Right. Which is great to download and listen to over and over again to perfect your listening comprehension and reinforce sentence structures.
Thassia: There’s also the line by line audio, which is a great way to listen to one line at a time, until you perfect your pronunciation.
Braden: Memorize words and phrases and master the patterns, so you can use the same lines in conversations. All right, Thassia, let’s take a look at this dialogue and break it down.
Marcos: Oi. Meu nome é Marcos.
Julie: Oi. Meu nome é Julie.
Marcos: Prazer em conhecê-la.
Julie: Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Braden: One time, slowly please.
Thassia: Uma vez, devagar, por favor.
Marcos: Oi. Meu nome é Marcos.
Julie: Oi. Meu nome é Julie.
Marcos: Prazer em conhecê-la.
Julie: Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Braden: And one time fast, with the translation.
Thassia: Uma vez rápido, com tradução.
Braden: Oi. Meu nome é Marcos. “Hi, my name is Marcos.”
Thassia: Oi. Meu nome é Julie. “Hi, my name is Julie.”
Braden: Prazer em conhecê-la. “Nice to meet you.”
Thassia: Prazer em conhecê-lo. “Nice to meet you.”
Braden: That was great. Another great tool that we offer is the review track. The review track has the lesson’s vocabulary words and phrases that are specifically designed to have you speaking right away with proper pronunciation. This is the perfect to use to perfect your pronunciation. Okay, now, what do we have next?
Thassia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. The phrase we’re looking at is Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Braden: Which means, “Nice to meet you.” This phrase is used in the exact same way and same situations as the English.
Thassia: You use it when you meet someone for the first time.
Braden: Let’s do a quick review of the phrase. Here’s the English. “Nice to meet you.”
Thassia: Which in Portuguese is Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Braden: Could you say that one time, slowly?
Thassia: Sure. Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Braden: And one time fast.
Thassia: Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Braden: Awesome.
Thassia: Now, onto our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Braden: Okay, so the grammar point is often the focus of each lesson. Most lessons build on each other and understanding the structure of a language is one of the fastest ways to acquire a language.
Thassia: But, don’t worry. We don’t just throw grammar tunes at you and tell you to write sentences like they do in school.
Braden: Here, we take a practical approach to explain the grammar and use normal English to explain how the grammar works and how to use it.
Thassia: Our goal is to learn Portuguese in a fun and easy way.
Braden: The focus of this lesson is the phrase?
Thassia: Prazer em conhecê-lo. “Nice to meet you.”
Braden: Now, the grammar in this short phrase is surprisingly complex and most of it is far beyond the scope of this lesson.
Thassia: But plainly, Portuguese is gender aware, which means that certain words might change depending on the gender of the individuals involved.
Braden: That’s right. In this case, the la or lo at the end of the sentence is what changes.
Thassia: Marcos says to Julie Prazer em conhecê-la, because Julie is a female and la indicates femininity.
Braden: And Julie says to Marcos Prazer em conhecê-lo, because Marcos is male and lo indicates masculinity.
Thassia: Don’t worry. We will explain this more completely in later lessons.
Braden: This is more of a taste test of how things work.
Thassia: Right.
Braden: So, once again, on our site you can find bonus audio tracks, a voice recording tool, lesson notes and PDFs, conjugation charts and grammar resources.
Thassia: And one of the best parts is our wonderful Portuguese learning community. Students from all over the world actively participate in the community every day.
Braden: This community is very important in your language learning. Experts say that language is learned better when it’s learned in community.
Thassia: And besides that, Brazilians are very social, which means they’re friendly and love meeting new people.
Braden: Participating in our community is a great first step to learning how to interact with Brazilians in a natural way.
Thassia: Plus, we are there every day.
Braden: That’s right. Our community isn’t just for the students. We’re in there every day, reading posts and responding to questions.
Thassia: We love reading your posts and making new friends.
Braden: One last cultural insight. Often, Brazilians will have difficulty pronouncing English names and English words.
Thassia: That’s true. It was very hard for me when I first started learning English.
Braden: For example, I have a friend whose name is Derek Tucker. It’s a pretty common name in English, but I’ve meet only four Brazilians who can say his name correctly first time. And all of them spoke English fluently.
Thassia: Derek Tucker. That’s a hard name.
Braden: See what I mean? Well, Derek wasn’t too hard but Chucky, Chucker and Joker were some of the more common terms at his last name. Tucker. Just remember that Brazilians will often have difficulty pronouncing English names and English words.
Thassia: The community also helps you ask questions to. You can ask questions about the lessons on the blog.
Braden: In fact, you can ask any language question. Our teachers are always on the boards, answering questions and helping everyone practice their Portuguese.
Thassia: We also have a forum, where you can talk about anything Portuguese and find other people who have similar interests as you do. Brazilian movies.
Braden: Brazilian music.
Thassia: Brazilian food.
Braden: Brazilian novelas.
Thassia: Soccer.
Braden: Politics.
Thassia: Religion.
Braden: History, art.
Thassia: Etcetera. Please remember to stop by our website, PortuguesePod101.com.
Braden: And sign up for a free lifetime account. Be sure to pick up the lesson notes while you’re there.
Thassia: Also, you can take a tour of our website.
Braden: Or, find the next introduction lesson or some bonus tracks.
Thassia: The introduction lessons explain how our system works.
Braden: So, if you’re new to Portuguese or PortuguesePod101.com, we recommend you start by listening to all the lessons of the Introduction Series. After that, we have many more lessons waiting for you.
Thassia: Let us know what you thought of this lesson as your feedback is a very important part of our system.
Braden: Stop by, say “Hi” and be sure to leave us a post.


Thassia: Tchau tchau!
Braden: Bye-bye.
Marcos: Oi. Meu nome é Marcos.
Julie: Oi. Meu nome é Julie.
Marcos: Prazer em conhecê-la.
Julie: Prazer em conhecê-lo.

