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Hello, and welcome to the Culture Class - Holidays in Brazil Series at PortuguesePod101.com. In this series, we’re exploring the traditions behind holidays and observances in Brazil. I’m Becky, and you're listening to Season 1, Lesson 21. Oktoberfest of Blumenau or Oktoberfest de Blumenau in Portuguese.
Did you know that there are many inhabitants of Brazil, especially in southern Brazil, who are of German origin?
In this lesson, we'll talk about the renowned German festival that takes place in Brazil—the Oktoberfest of Blumenau, in Santa Catarina State, a German-style festival of beer and culture.
Now, before we get into more detail, I've got a question for you-
Where did the name of the city of Blumenau come from?
If you don't already know, you’ll find out a bit later, so keep listening!
The Oktoberfest in Blumenau was inspired by the original version held in Munich. It consists of an 18-day festival held in October at the German Village Park, attracting tourists from Brazil and around the world, particularly from “Germany,” or Alemanha in Portuguese, and other North and South American countries, with nearly 600,000 visitors consuming more than 650,000 liters of beer in 2012.
The official mascots of the festival are an old couple—Grandma and Grandpa “big draft beer,” called Chopão in Portuguese.
During the festival period, a number of “parades,” or desfiles in Portuguese, take place on the 15th of November Street, with dancing, groups of hunters and “allegorical cars,” or carros alegóricos in Portuguese, among others. During the festival, people typically dress in German style, with a lot of Brazilian-German foods and drinks.
The Oktoberfest in Blumenau also has its “royalty,” or realeza in Portuguese. Every year, ten Blumenau candidates compete for the title. The winner is crowned Queen of Oktoberfest, while the second and third places are given the title of Oktoberfest Princesses.
For those who like to drink beer during the event, there is the National Competition of Draft Beer Drinkers by the Meter! The contest consists of drinking a meter of beer, or 600 ml, and the winner is whoever can drink it in the shortest time. After several days of competition, the top three male and female drinkers are awarded first, second, and third place medals at the conclusion of the festival.
Want to participate? You can enter free of charge during the event.
Want to know how to “save money,” or economizar in Portuguese when attending the Oktoberfest? Go in traditional German costume, and you'll win free entry to the pavilions of the German Village.
Now it's time to answer our quiz question-
Where did the name of the city of Blumenau come from?
The city was named in memory of its founder, Dr. Hermann Bruno Otto Blumenau, who arrived in Brazil in 1850 with seventeen other German settlers. The city is still known for preserving the customs brought there by the first German settlers.
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