Eric: Hi everyone, I’m Eric. |
Felipe: And I’m Felipe! |
Eric: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary, Lesson 9! In this lesson, you'll learn five essential words related to society and culture. These are five common terms in Brazilian pop and traditional culture. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at |
Lesson focus
Eric: Felipe, what’s our first word? |
Felipe: festa junina |
Eric: June festival |
Felipe: (slow) festa junina (regular) festa junina |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Felipe: festa junina |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: The June Festival is a Catholic tradition held in June to celebrate the days of the most popular saints of June - Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Peter. The festivals are different in each region of Brazil, but in general, people dance a lot, dress in traditional costumes, and eat traditional dishes. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Felipe: (normal) Na festa junina, sempre tem uma fogueira, todos dançam quadrilha e as crianças brincam com biribinha. |
Eric: In the June Festival, there's always a bonfire, everyone dances square dances, and the kids play with bang snaps. |
Felipe: (slow) Na festa junina, sempre tem uma fogueira, todos dançam quadrilha e as crianças brincam com biribinha. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Felipe: boi-bumbá |
Eric: a Brazilian folk theatrical tradition |
Felipe: (slow) boi-bumbá (regular) boi-bumbá |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Felipe: boi-bumbá |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: Boi-bumbá is a folk theatrical tradition that’s very popular in the northern and northeastern parts of Brazil. Using music, costumes, and drums, it tells an old tale about a bull that dies and is brought back to life. The biggest performance takes place at the Parintins Folklore Festival. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Felipe: (normal) Em Parintins, existem dois bois-bumbás - o Boi Garantido, e o Boi Caprichoso. |
Eric: In Parintins, there are two boi-bumbá - the Garantido Bull and the Caprichoso Bull. |
Felipe: (slow) Em Parintins, existem dois bois-bumbás - o Boi Garantido, e o Boi Caprichoso. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Felipe: carnaval de rua |
Eric: street carnival |
Felipe: (slow) carnaval de rua (regular) carnaval de rua |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Felipe: carnaval de rua |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: Although the most famous Brazilian carnival takes place in a closed bumbódromo, every city in Brazil has its own street carnival. Many people wear costumes, play with carnival foam, and enjoy the party. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Felipe: (normal) Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Ouro Preto e Olinda têm os maiores carnavais de rua do Brasil. |
Eric: Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Ouro Preto and Olinda have the biggest street carnivals of Brazil. |
Felipe: (slow) Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Ouro Preto e Olinda têm os maiores carnavais de rua do Brasil. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Felipe: novela |
Eric: Brazilian soap opera |
Felipe: (slow) novela (regular) novela |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Felipe: novela |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: Novelas are very important in Brazilian culture. They are loved by many people, especially women. They are usually broadcast five or six days a week for about seven months, and they often spark clothing, language, and haircut trends in Brazil. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Felipe: (normal) "Avenida Brasil" foi a novela brasileira mais vista no Brasil e no mundo até 2012. |
Eric: “Brazil Avenue” was the Brazilian novela most seen in Brazil and the world until 2012. |
Felipe: (slow) "Avenida Brasil" foi a novela brasileira mais vista no Brasil e no mundo até 2012. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the last word? |
Felipe: lenda |
Eric: folktale |
Felipe: (slow) lenda (regular) lenda |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Felipe: lenda |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: Brazilian folktales are very rich, a mix of European, African, and especially indigenous cultures. Many folktales are related to animals, plants, or mythological creatures, like the Boto river dolphin, the Iara mermaid, or the Boitatá fire snake. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Felipe: (normal) A lenda da vitória-régia conta a história de uma jovem índia que se apaixonou pela lua. |
Eric: The water lily folktale tells the story of a young Indian girl who falls in love with the moon. |
Felipe: (slow) A lenda da vitória-régia conta a história de uma jovem índia que se apaixonou pela lua. |
Eric: Okay, listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Felipe will give you the Portuguese – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready? |
Felipe: festa junina |
[pause]Eric: June Festival |
Felipe: boi-bumbá |
[pause]Eric: a Brazilian folk theatrical tradition |
Felipe: carnaval de rua |
[pause]Eric: street carnival |
Felipe: novela |
[pause]Eric: Brazilian soap opera |
Felipe: lenda |
[pause]Eric: folktale |
Eric: There you have it – five pop and traditional culture references in Brazil! We have more vocab lists available at, so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, see you next time! |
Felipe: Tchau. |