
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, I’m Eric.
Felipe: And I’m Felipe!
Eric: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary, Lesson 10! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to society and culture. These are five types of Brazilian music styles. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at PortuguesePod101.com.

Lesson focus

Eric: Felipe, what’s our first word?
Felipe: samba
Eric: samba
Felipe: (slow) samba (regular) samba
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Felipe: samba
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Samba is the most popular Brazilian music style and serves as a symbol of Brazil. There are many samba styles, the most famous of which is probably the samba-enredo, which is played during Carnival parades.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Felipe: (normal) Para dançar samba, tem que rebolar e ter ginga.
Eric: To dance samba, you have to shake the hips and have swing.
Felipe: (slow) Para dançar samba, tem que rebolar e ter ginga.
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word?
Felipe: funk
Eric: funk carioca
Felipe: (slow) funk (regular) funk
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Felipe: funk
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Funk carioca is a type of music developed in Rio's favelas in the 1980s. It is very popular among the working class, so there are many critics of this kind of music.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Felipe: (normal) Muitos turistas vão no baile funk nas favelas cariocas.
Eric: Many tourists go to funk parties in Rio de Janeiro's slums.
Felipe: (slow) Muitos turistas vão no baile funk nas favelas cariocas.
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word?
Felipe: bossa nova
Eric: bossa nova
Felipe: (slow) bossa nova (regular) bossa nova
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Felipe: bossa nova
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Bossa nova is a fusion of samba and jazz and became very popular in the 1950s. It influences many other music styles in Brazil.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Felipe: (normal) Alguns dos artistas que mais contribuíram para a bossa nova são João Gilberto, Tom Jobim e Vinícius de Moraes.
Eric: Some of the artists that contributed most to the bossa nova are João Gilberto, Tom Jobim and Vinícius de Moraes.
Felipe: (slow) Alguns dos artistas que mais contribuíram para a bossa nova são João Gilberto, Tom Jobim e Vinícius de Moraes.
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word?
Felipe: axé
Eric: axé music
Felipe: (slow) axé (regular) axé
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Felipe: axé
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Axé music is a very energetic music genre born in Salvador's Carnival. It's a mix of many Brazilian and Afro-Brazilian genres. The most famous singers of this genre of music are Ivete Sangalo and Claudia Leitte.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Felipe: (normal) O axé é responsável por aproximadamante vinte e cinco por cento das vendas de CDs no Brasil.
Eric: Axé music is responsible for approximately twenty-five percent of CD sales in Brazil.
Felipe: (slow) O axé é responsável por aproximadamante vinte e cinco por cento das vendas de CDs no Brasil.
Eric: Okay, what’s the last word?
Felipe: sertanejo
Eric: Brazilian country music
Felipe: (slow) sertanejo (regular) sertanejo
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Felipe: sertanejo
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Sertanejo is a music style that originated in the countryside of Brazil. Nowadays it has many sub-genres, and sertanejo universitário is especially popular among young people.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Felipe: (normal) A maioria dos cantores de sertanejo não usam chapéu de vaqueiro hoje em dia.
Eric: Most Brazilian country music singers don't use a cowboy hat nowadays.
Felipe: (slow) A maioria dos cantores de sertanejo não usam chapéu de vaqueiro hoje em dia.
Eric: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Felipe will give you the Portuguese – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Felipe: samba
[pause]Eric: samba
Felipe: funk
[pause]Eric: funk carioca
Felipe: bossa nova
[pause]Eric: bossa nova
Felipe: axé
[pause]Eric: axé music
Felipe: sertanejo
[pause]Eric: Brazilian country music


Eric: There you have it – five music styles in Brazil! We have more vocab lists available at PortuguesePod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, see you next time!
Felipe: Tchau.

