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Lesson Transcript

Braden: Hello everyone and welcome back to All About lesson 14 - Top 5 Classroom Phrases! Braden here.
Thássia: Thássia here. In this lesson, you’ll learn the top five phrases you hear in the classroom.
Braden: Some are phrases that a teacher would use and some are phrases you can use with a teacher.
Thássia: You get ahead started by already knowing these phrases.
Braden: Our first phrase is…
Thássia: O que significa...? literally translates to "What means...?"
This is a very useful phrase in the classroom because you can ask your teacher what certain words, ideas, or place mean in Portuguese.
Braden: You use this phrase by first stating O que significa..., and then adding the item you want to know, Could you give us some examples?
Thássia: Sure. O que significa sapato? means "What does sapato mean?"
And, O que significa casar? means "What does casar mean?"
Braden: So what do those words mean, Thássia?
Thássia: Well, sapato means “shoe,” and casar means “to marry.”
Braden: Excellent. Our next phrase is,
Thássia: Por favor, abram os livros. Abram os livros literally means "Open your books,"
Braden: And Por favor means "please."
Thássia: Together, it means “please open your books.” Your teacher might use this phrase when they want you to begin reading something.
Braden: Perfect. Our next phrase is
Thássia: Eu não entendi literally translates to "I no understood," but it means "I didn't understand."
Braden: You would use this phrase if your teacher explains something or says something that you didn't understand.
Thássia: Portuguese teachers like it when you use Portuguese to interact in the classroom, even if they have to explain things in English afterward.
Braden: So be sure to use this phrase, even if you're just muttering to yourself, It's good for your learning.
Thássia: The next phrase is Mais uma vez.
Braden: Mais uma vez literally translates to "more one time," but means "one more time" or "again."
Thássia: Portuguese and English do that a lot. In English, when you would say “one more,” in Portuguese, you would say “more one.” I wonder why is that.
Braden: I don't know why, but it's true. Mais uma vez is a very useful phrase in the classroom.
Thássia: You can expect your teacher to say that when they want you to repeat something.
Braden: Our last phrase is...
Thássia: Entendeu
Braden: Entendeu literally translates as "Understood?"
Thássia: But as Portuguese verbs always have added meaning, the complete translation would be "Did you understand?"
Braden: This question is often used by teachers to make sure the students are understanding what they are explaining.
Thássia: Let's recap what we learned in this lesson.
Braden: That's a great idea. Can we hear all of those phrases, Mais uma vez?
Thássia: Sure.
Braden: “What does ____ mean?”
Thássia: O que significa...?
Braden: “Please open your books.”
Thássia: Por favor, abram os livros.
“I didn't understand.”
Thássia: Eu não entendi.
Braden: “One more time.”
Thássia: Mais uma vez.
Braden: And lastly, “did you understand?”
Thássia: Entendeu?
Braden: There you have it. All five phrases for the classroom.
Thássia: See you next time.
Braden: Bye-bye.
Thássia: Tchau!


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