Vocabulary (Review)

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E aí galera, Paloma here. Welcome to another Top Portuguese Words. Today’s topic is 20 Travel Phrases You Should Know.
Travel, viajar.
1. Você pode me ver um mapa? "Could you get me a map?"
Well, nowadays, everyone has cell phone and we have maps on it. So it is not that useful anymore but sometimes in some smaller cities, it’s very useful to have a map. So just remember that word mapa. It’s not that hard, right?
2. Você fala inglês? "Do you speak English?"
Well, this is kind of a survival phrase, especially if you don’t speak Portuguese very well, you should know that one. So you can, you know, just approach everyone and just ask them - Você fala inglês?
Você fala inglês?
Well, if you speak another language, you can also ask just change inglês for that language, right?
Você fala inglês?
Você fala francês?
Você fala japonês?
And hopefully someone will speak the language you need.
3. Tem algum ônibus que vai do aeroporto até a cidade? "Is there a bus from the airport to the city?"
In most airports, there will probably be a bus that goes from the airport to the city. So just ask information or um guardinha, like “a security guard”. Yeah, we love to ask the guardinha.
Moço! “Excuse me, sir”
Moço, com licença...
4. O Wi-Fi é gratuito? "Is the Wi-Fi free?"
You can also say - O Wi-Fi é grátis?
In most restaurants, hotels and everywhere you go, they will have a Wi-Fi. So sometimes the Wi-Fi is free but they still have a password. So you can ask - Qual é a senha do Wi-Fi? “What is the Wi-Fi password?”
5. Você tem um quarto vago pra hoje? "Do you have any vacancies tonight?"
I prefer to book for a room before going to the city but many people prefer to just go to the place they want to go and there, they find the hotel. Well, if you do that, then, you have to ask - Tem algum quarto pra hoje à noite?
Or - Tem algum quarto vago pra hoje à noite?
6. Eu poderia me mudar para outro quarto? "Could I move to a different room?"
Well, there are many reasons why you want to change a room. Maybe it’s too noisy, barulhento or something’s broken, quebrado. So I can just go complain this is broken or it’s too noisy.
Posso me mudar pra outro quarto?
7. Eu tenho uma reserva. "I have a reservation."
Well, you can use these at hotels or restaurants. If you want to be more specific, you can say,
Eu tenho uma reserva no nome de. I have a reservation under the name of...
Eu tenho uma reserva no nome de Paloma.
8. Você pode trazer o cardápio, por favor? "Could you bring the menu, please?"
Okay, this is very useful because many countries they also use the word menu similar to the English, or in Brazil, you mostly use the word cardápio, so don’t forget it. If you say menu, they probably understand but it’s much more common to say cardápio.
9. Você tem alguma sugestão? "Do you have any recommendations?"
So, you can ask that to the waiter, the waitress or maybe the tour guide.
You can also say like “I like meat, do you have any recommendations?”
Eu gosto de carne, você tem alguma sugestão?
10. Você pode trazer a conta? "Could I have the check?"
So Você pode trazer a conta? Literally means “Can you bring me the bill?”
But in English, it’s more common to say, “Can I have the check?” Maybe.
You can also say just A conta, por favor. “The check please.”
11. Eu sou alérgico a amendoim. "I'm allergic to peanuts."
I am so lucky I am not allergic to anything. So I can just order whatever I want. Maybe I won’t like it but at least it won’t be bad for me. If you are allergic to something, make sure to know that word in Portuguese. If you don’t know that word, you can just post in the comments below and we will make sure to answer you.
12. Uma água, por favor. "Water, please."
Usually when you order water in Brazil, they come in bottles. They don’t come in glasses. And they are usually água mineral, not água com gas, which would be “sparkling water”. So if you just want normal, natural water, you can just say água mineral.
13. Quanto custa este daqui? "How much is this?"
So if you are in store looking at things, you can just say, oh, I like that one. Quanto custa este daqui? "How much is this?"
14. Eu quero dez desses. "I'd like ten of these."
So if you went to the store and you asked Quanto custa este daqui? And you liked it, you can just say Eu vou levar dez desses. I am going to take ten of these.
15. Eu quero este daqui. "I'd like this one."
If you want to be very specific, you can say, Eu quero este daqui. “I’d like this one.”
If you want that one, you would say, “Eu quero aquele dali.”
16. Tem desconto? "Is there a discount?"
So it’s very common to ask for discounts in Brazil.
You can also say - Tem desconto no dinheiro? “Is there a discount in cash?”
Especially if you are buying a lot of merchandise, you can ask that. Of course, you are not going to ask in a supermarket or a chain store but if it’s like a local business, it is more common to give a discount.
Maybe in touristic areas not that common but well, you should try, right? As we say in Brazil, não custa nada, “it doesn’t cost anything”. At the most, your answer is going to be não, “no”.
Não tem desconto.
17. Vocês aceitam cartão de crédito? "Do you take credit card?"
Nowadays, you can pay by credit card everywhere. It’s very, very hard to find a place that doesn’t accept credit card like it’s crazy. Even if you go for example to the beach, there is like the guy selling earrings and he is going to have his credit card machine. So you can pay with credit card. I am not kidding. Yeah.
18. Onde fica a rodoviária? "Where is the bus terminal?"
You can say rodoviária or terminal rodoviária, but it’s much more common just to say rodoviária.
19. Quanto é a passagem? "What's the fare?"
You can use the question at the rodoviária, the bus terminal. For example, for a long distance bus, but you can also use it for a local bus. For example, if you don’t see the price that is usually in the front of the bus, you can just ask the driver, motorista or cobrador.
Você poderia parar em…
Or, Você poderia me avisar?
But first, you have to ask - Quanto é a passagem? Quanto é a tarifa?
20. Você pode tirar uma foto de mim, por favor? "Could you take a picture of me please?"
Most people nowadays don’t leave their home without their selfie stick which in Portuguese is pau de selfie but if you don’t have your pau de selfie, you can just ask someone - Você pode tirar uma foto de mim, por favor?
Or - Você pode tirar uma foto de nós, por favor? “Can you take our picture please?” You know, I am talking with my ghost friend here.
The end. That’s all for today. Thanks a lot for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. Let us know which other words or sentences you need to know before traveling to Brazil. See you next time. Tchau-tchau!


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