
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Thássia: Ola! Thássia here!
Braden: Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 5 - Brazilian Beauty. Hello and welcome to PortuguesePOD101.com, where we study modern Portuguese in a fun educational format.
Thássia: So brush up on the Portuguese that you started learning long ago or started learning today.
Braden: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Thássia, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Thássia: In this lesson, we will focus on the words "eu," "você," "ele," and "ela."
Braden: The conversation takes place at a party.
Thássia: And it's between Davi and Natalie.
Braden: They are meeting for the first time in a casual setting. So they will be speaking casual Portuguese. Let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Natalie: Oi! Tudo bem?
Davi: Oi! Tudo bem. Você fala português?
Natalie: Sim, eu falo português. Você é brasileiro?
Davi: Sim, eu sou. Meu amigo, Ben ali, ele é da Inglaterra.
Natalie: Ele fala português?
Davi: Fluentemente.
Braden:One time, slowly please.
Natalie: Oi! Tudo bem?
Davi: Oi! Tudo bem. Você fala português?
Natalie: Sim, eu falo português. Você é brasileiro?
Davi: Sim, eu sou. Meu amigo, Ben ali, ele é da Inglaterra.
Natalie: Ele fala português?
Davi: Fluentemente.
Braden:And one time fast, with translation.
Natalie: Oi! Tudo bem?
Thássia: Hi! How are you?
Davi: Oi! Tudo bem. Você fala português?
Braden: Hi! I'm fine. Do you speak Portuguese?
Natalie: Sim, eu falo português. Você é brasileiro?
Thássia: Yes, I speak Portuguese. Are you Brazilian?
Davi: Sim, eu sou. Meu amigo, Ben ali, ele é da Inglaterra.
Braden: Yes, I am. My friend Ben over there, he is from England.
Natalie: Ele fala português?
Thássia: Does he speak Portuguese?
Davi: Fluentemente.
Braden: Fluently.
Braden: Most Brazilians I meet are surprised I speak Portuguese.
Thássia: It really isn't very common for foreigners to speak Portuguese. Most of the time they speak Spanish thinking it's the same thing.
Braden: Yeah, I've run into quite a few people like that. If Brazilians weren't so nice though, then foreigners would have a really hard time doing anything here.
Thássia: Many foreigners have a hard time understanding Brazilians because of how much we depend on context in our conversations.
Braden: That was hard for me to get used to, but now that I am, Portuguese often seems a bit more efficient than English.
Thássia: It might be because if something doesn't absolutely have to be spoken then it isn't. That makes the sentence faster.
Braden: Hmm, good point. Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Thássia: The first word we shall see is eu [natural native speed].
Braden: I
Thássia: Eu [slowly - broken down by syllable], eu [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Você [natural native speed]
Braden: You.
Thássia: Você [slowly - broken down by syllable], você [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Ele [natural native speed]
Braden: He.
Thássia: Ele [slowly - broken down by syllable], ele [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Ela [natural native speed]
Braden: She.
Thássia: Ela [slowly - broken down by syllable], ela [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Tudo [natural native speed]
Braden: Everything
Thássia: Tudo [slowly - broken down by syllable], tudo [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Bem [natural native speed].
Braden: Well, quite, very.
Thássia: Bem [slowly - broken down by syllable], bem [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Português [natural native speed].
Braden: Portuguese.
Thássia: Português [slowly - broken down by syllable], português [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Amigo [natural native speed].
Braden: Friend.
Thássia: Amigo [slowly - broken down by syllable], amigo [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Fluentemente [natural native speed].
Braden: Fluently.
Thássia: Fluentemente [slowly - broken down by syllable], fluentemente [natural native speed].
Braden: Let's take a look at some of our vocabulary phrases for this lesson.
Thássia: In this lesson, we're going to look at cognates.
Braden: Cognates are words of a similar nature, appearance, and meaning shared between two languages. English and Portuguese share many cognates.
Thássia: English words ending in "-ly" are usually cognates with Portuguese words ending in "-mente."
Braden: This is a great trick! Could you give us some examples?
Thássia: Well, "finally" in Portuguese is "finalmente" and "mentally" is "mentalmente."
Braden: And my personal favorite is…
Thássia: "Frequentemente."
Braden: Which means, "frequently." This trick is really useful when you don't know the word in Portuguese. Just try for a cognate.
Thássia: Sometimes the words are easy and obvious cognates, and sometimes the connection can be a little stretched.
Braden: But the pattern is still solid. Like the word "happy" in Portuguese is "feliz." So, "happily" is "felizmente." Did you catch that? It wasn't a cognate exactly because the words are quite different but the pattern still holds true.
Thássia: Some other examples would be "generally," which in Portuguese is "geralmente," and "silenciosamente," which means "silently."
Braden: Let's take a look at today's grammar point.

Lesson focus

Thássia: The focus of this lesson is the words "eu," "você," "ele," and "ela."
Braden: Could you tell us a bit about these words?
Thássia: Sure! They are subject pronouns.
Braden: No grammar terms! Just tell us about the words.
Thássia: Sorry! They're subject pronouns. I don't know what else to call them.
Braden: Okay! In that case, we'll just have to tell the students what they are.
Thássia: Okay. We already covered the words "eu" and "você."
Braden: Which mean "I" and "you," respectively.
Thássia: You should point out that "você" has an acento circunflexo on the "-e." Therefore, the tonic syllable is on that "-e," which is the last syllable of the word.
Braden: So the correct pronunciation is…
Thássia: [voCÊ].
Braden: Right.
Thássia: In this lesson, we'll add "he" and "she."
Braden: "Ele" is the Portuguese word for "he."
Thássia: We use it the same way, too.
Braden: That's right. "Ele está feliz" means "He is happy."
Thássia: "Ela" is the Portuguese word for "she" and is also used in the same way as in English.
Braden: For example, "Ela é bonita" means "She is pretty." See, now was that so hard? That just about does it for today. Don't forget that you can leave us a comment on this lesson.
Thássia: So if you have a question or some feedback, please, leave us a comment.
Braden: It's very easy to do. Just stop by PortuguesePOD101.com.
Thássia: Click on comments.
Braden: Enter your comment and name and…
Thássia: That's it.
Braden: No excuses. We're looking forward to hearing from you.
Thássia: Tchau!
Braden: Bye.


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