
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Thássia: Bom dia!
Braden: Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 13 - A Meaty Situation in Brazil. In this lesson, we'll focus on the words "este," "estes," "esta," and "estas."
Thássia: This conversation is between Rita and the waiter as she looks at the menu. This conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Braden: The speakers are not friends so they will be speaking formally.
Thássia: Let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Rita: Este aqui, o que é?
Garçom: Este é carne com vegetais.
Rita: E estes aqui?
Garçom: Estes são pratos vegetarianos.
Rita: Oh...
Braden:One time slowly.
Rita: Este aqui, o que é?
Garçom: Este é carne com vegetais.
Rita: E estes aqui?
Garçom: Estes são pratos vegetarianos.
Rita: Oh...
Braden:One time fast with translation.
Rita: Este aqui, o que é?
Braden: This one here, what is this?
Garçom: Este é carne com vegetais.
Braden: This is meat with vegetables.
Rita: E estes aqui?
Braden: And these here?
Garçom: Estes são pratos vegetarianos.
Braden: These are vegetarian dishes.
Rita: Oh...
Braden: Oh...
Brade: Rita's reaction to the vegetarian dishes makes me laugh.
Thássia: We Brazilians do love our meat.
Braden: It's in your culture, it's in your history; from steak houses to street vendors, it's everywhere.
Thássia: What can I say, we have sensitive palates.
Braden: That's for sure. The Brazilian "style of barbecue," called "churrasco," is world famous.
Thássia: "Churrasco" comes from the South part of Brazil, from the gaúchos.
Braden: Do you know what I found out about cows in Brazil?
Thássia: What?
Braden: According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, there are more cattle in Brazil than people. That's over two hundred million head of cattle.
Thássia: That’s a lot of "churrasco!"
Braden: That's over 200 million head of cattle. Let's take a look at the vocabulary.
The first word we shall see is…
Thássia: Este [natural native speed]
Braden: This
Thássia: Este [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Este [natural native speed]
Braden: Next is…
Thássia: Esta [natural native speed]
Braden: This
Thássia: Esta [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Esta [natural native speed]
Braden: Next, we have…
Thássia: Garçom [natural native speed]
Braden: Waiter
Thássia: Garçom [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Garçom [natural native speed]
Braden: Next is…
Thássia: Prato [natural native speed]
Braden: Plate, dish
Thássia: Prato [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Prato [natural native speed]
Braden: Our next word is…
Thássia: Estes [natural native speed]
Braden: These
Thássia: Estes [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Estes [natural native speed]
Braden: And our last word is…
Thássia: Estas [natural native speed]
Braden: These
Thássia: Estas [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Estas [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Thássia: Okay. The first phrase we’ll look at is "pratos vegetarianos," which means "vegetarian dishes."
Braden: More specifically, we'll be looking at adjectives and how they work in Portuguese.
Thássia: Adjectives specify or narrow the meaning of nouns.
Braden: In English, we almost always put adjectives before the noun.
Thássia: In Portuguese, we almost always put the adjectives after the noun.
Braden: For me, this was very strange when I first started learning Portuguese. Everything felt backward and I often put the adjectives in the wrong place.
Thássia: That's how I felt when I first started learning English. "Sign green" made perfect sense but "green sign" blew some mental fuses.
Braden: But, don't worry, this starts making sense quickly.
Thássia: We should also tell them that adjectives in Portuguese also need to be pluralized just like the nouns.
Braden: That's right. So, "one vegetarian dish" is…
Thássia: "Um prato vegetarian."
Braden: But "two vegetarian dishes" is…
Thássia: "Dois pratos vegetarianos."
Braden: The adjective, "vegetarianos," needs to be plural as well. This does not happen in English.
Thássia: So practicing will be very helpful.
Braden: Also, listening carefully to the natives and copying the way they speak makes adjectives very easy. Let's take a look at the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Thássia: In this lesson, we'll focus on the words "este," "estes," "esta," and "estas."
Braden: So, what's the difference between the words "este" and "estes?"
Thássia: Well, "este" and "estes" are paired words just like "this" and "these," and the difference is plurality.
Braden: That's right. "Este" is used when you have a single thing close to you, probably in your hands or within reach, like in the phrase "Este relógio," which translates to "This clock."
Thássia: "Estes" with an "-s" at the end, means "these." The phrase "Estes sapatos" translates to "These shoes."
Braden: Now, it's also important to remember that, because of grammatical gender, there are also feminine forms of "este" and "estes."
Thássia: Which are "esta" and "estas."
Braden: That's right. "Esta" means "this," and "estas" means "these."
Thássia: The difference is that "esta" and "estas" are used exclusively for feminine words.
Braden: And "este" and "estes" are used exclusively with masculine words. That just about does it for this lesson.
Thássia: Ready to test what you've just learned?
Braden: Make this lesson vocabulary stick by using the lesson specific flashcards.
Thássia: There is a reason everyone uses flashcards.
Braden: They work.
Thássia: They really do help memorization.
Braden: You can get the flashcard for this lesson at…
Thássia: PortoguesePod101.com.
Braden: Thanks for listening.
Thesis: Até amanhã!


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