
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Portuguese Season 1, Lesson 3 - Manners. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to thank other people in various ways in Portuguese.
Eric: Here's the masculine way to say 'Thank you.' in Portuguese.
Ana: [Normal] Obrigado.
Eric: This expression has only one word meaning 'thank you'
Ana: [Normal] obrigado [Slow] obrigado
Eric: Listen again to the word meaning 'Thank you.'
Ana: [Slow] Obrigado. [Normal] Obrigado.
Eric: Ok, now let's take a look at the masculine way to say 'Thank you very much.'
Ana: [Normal] Muito obrigado.
Eric: First is a word meaning 'very,’ ‘a lot'
Ana: [Normal] muito [Slow] muito
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'thank you'
Ana: [Normal] obrigado [Slow] obrigado
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Thank you very much.'
Ana: [Slow] Muito obrigado. [Normal] Muito obrigado.
Eric: Next up is the feminine way to say 'Thank you.'
Ana: [Normal] Obrigada.
Eric: This expression has only one word meaning 'thank you'
Ana: [Normal] obrigada [Slow] obrigada
Eric: Listen again to the word meaning 'Thank you.'
Ana: [Slow] Obrigada. [Normal] Obrigada.
Eric: And finally, here is a feminine way to say 'Thanks for everything.'
Ana: [Normal] Obrigada por tudo.
Eric: First is a word meaning 'thank you'
Ana: [Normal] obrigada [Slow] obrigada
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'for'
Ana: [Normal] por [Slow] por
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'everything'
Ana: [Normal] tudo [Slow] tudo
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Thanks for everything.'
Ana: [Slow] Obrigada por tudo. [Normal] Obrigada por tudo.
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Ana: In Brazil, we sometimes shorten words when we’re talking. For example, it’s very common to hear brigado instead of obrigado. Remember that "thank you" in Portuguese has both masculine and feminine forms – obrigado and obrigada.


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Ana: Tchau!


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2016-08-01 18:30:00

Did you already know any of these expressions?

2021-06-11 03:19:00

Olá, Brian!

"Muito obrigada por tudo" is also a very common expression, especially when someone had done you a big.

Obrigada por escrever! 😉



Team PortuguesePod101.com

2021-06-08 19:18:46

Olá, Brian!

Obrigada pelo seu comentário! Let's keep studying!😉

Count on us!



Team PortuguesePod101.com

2021-06-06 12:41:15

Did I already know these expressions? Well, yes all but the "Thank you for everything", even though I've been studying for a little while, this was the first time I've seen this phrase. I wonder if it's because it's not used often and most of the time it's shortened to just Obrigado / Obrigada. (of course led with Muito).

2020-11-26 20:01:27

De nada, Karel! 😉



Team PortuguesePod101.com

2020-11-25 12:27:11

Muito obrigada

2019-12-07 00:05:38

Oi Nathan,

Isso mesmo! Estamos aqui para ajudar uns aos outros.

Let's just correct here: Até *a próxima*.

Até a próxima, Nathan!


Team PortuguesePod101.com

2019-10-08 20:37:06

Oi Deena,

Obrigado. Cada vez que leio as palavras de outros, me ajuda melhorar meu português.

Até prossima.


2019-06-30 22:51:01

Hi Deena,

That's great!

Don't forget to use the accent in "expressões". 👍

Keep up studying well and in case of any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.



Team PortuguesePod101.com

2019-06-29 01:46:46

Sim, eu sabia todas as expressoes.
