Advanced Audio Blog 1
In this series, you will learn in-depth about the culture of Brazil. You'll learn about different famous cities and regions, holidays, tourist destinations, and more. Along the way, you'll pick up sophisticated expressions and advanced grammar in this Audio Blog series presented entirely in Portuguese.
Lesson | Title | Topic | Summary | Cultural Fact | Vocab |
1 | Brazilian Beauty: Waterfalls | The Parana State | sightseeing spots and cities | Paraná people, tree and typical food. | abóbada, simultaneamente, digno, fazer divisa, peculiaridade, tubo |
2 | Brazilian Heights | Rio de Janeiro City | history, beaches and sightseeing spots | Rio de Janeiro fame and World Cup 2014 | carioca, espetacular, artesanato, badalada, bondinho, acolhedora, teleférico |
3 | Bars, Dancehalls, Pizza Houses, Oh, My! | São Paulo City | history, museums, sightseeing places and where to eat or hang out | São Paulo epithet | paulistano, mortadela, pastel, bacalhau, largo, descontrair |
4 | So Many Things to Do, Not Enough Time in Brazil | The Bahia State | capital sights, natural beauties, typical food and music | Bahia's people and music | cachoeira, região de serras, casarões, farol, naufrágio, santuário, sobremesa |
5 | Discovering the Perfect Brazilian Vacation Spot | Tha Maranhão State | landscape, capital's history, folklore and nightlife | Maranhão's dishes and fruits | cerrado, delta em mar aberto, lagoa, Holanda, deslumbrante, permitir, lençol |
6 | Two Brazilian States: Much to Offer | Southern States: Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina | history, sights and beaches | Snow place and Beer festival | barriga-verde, gaúcho, meridional, sotaque, enseada, apaixonante, sacra |
7 | Partying It Up in Brazil | The Amazon | ecosystem, landscape, festival, sights and theaters | history and meaning of "amazon" | repleta, herdado, disputar, sossegado, carroça |
8 | Brazil is Bonita | The Pantanal and Midwest of Brazil | ecosystem, ecoturism, sight places and activities | economy and local food | planície alagável, animais em extinção, amanhecer, entardecer, gruta, flutuação, cavalgada |
9 | Hoping For a Good Grade on Brazil | Brazil's capital Brasília | history, archtecture and sightseeing places | Brazil's capitals and singers | apelido, urbanístico, sede, espinho, vitral, artesanato |
10 | Brazilian Beauties: the Beaches | Brazilian Northeastern Region | main beaches, beach sports and activities and local nature | Pernambuco's typical dishes | paradisíaco, corcunda, rodear, axé, orla, margear, coqueiral |
11 | Ice Cream, Candy, Read All About the Brazilian Carnival! | Carnival's history | history, origin, carnival in Brazil | Carnival's holiday in Brazil | homenagear, agradecimento, pecaminoso, mela-mela de farinha, confete |
12 | Stinky Brazilian Vandalism | Carnival in the world | the different types of Carnivals | old not good Carnival traditions | sediar, marionete, navegar, frequentemente, exuberante, principalmente |
13 | Learn the Samba in Brazil | Samba history | Brazilian colonization, samba origin, history, instruments and types | samba's lyrics theme | compor, percussão, tambor, coreografia, carente, devido a, ritmo |
14 | Brazilian Samba School's Shocking Numbers | The samba schools | history, structure and the parade contest | the Sambadrome | enredo, carro alegórico, destaque, desfilar, eleger |
15 | The Fruity Brazilian Samba | Carnival music styles | Carnival's music history and types | music themes and the axé | adorno, letra, nota, meado, marcante, ditar |
16 | Brazil's Off-Season | The Off-season Carnival | Micareta origin, history and evolution in Brazil | Micareta uniform | dar origem, quaresma, fazer jejum, difundir, palco, cachê, realizar |
17 | Smelly Brazilian Traditions | The Rio de Janeiro Carnival | history and development of Rio-style Canival | Rio's Carnival parade | distraído, vinho, humilde, animar, cobrar |
18 | The Brazilian Trio Eletrico | The Salvador Carnival | city history, structure for Carnival and its characteristcs | Carnival's electric trio | necessidade, alegria, caseiro, antecipadamente, camarote, passarela |
19 | Brazil's Oldest Story – A Dance | The Pernambuco Carnival | local dances, folklore, their origins and peculiarities | another dance style in Pernambuco | agitado, disfarçadamente, guarda-chuva, luta, bagunça, reprimir, ladeira |
20 | Famous people in Brazil | The 2010 Carnival | famous tourists, highlights and winners of Carnival's parades throughout Brazil | other famous Carnival parties in Brazil | grão, campeão, desempenho, conseguir, comprimento, largura |
21 | Brazilian New Year's Traditions | Brazilian-style New Year | traditions, typical dishes and beliefs | water queen offers during New Year | demonstrar, virada do ano, fogos de artifício, pular, onda, pedido, destino |
22 | Brazilian Binge During Christmas | Brazilian Christmas | Christmas meals, decorations and traditions | celebrating Christmas in Summer | sendo assim, impressionar, comilança, montar, arranjo, presentear, troca |
23 | Rolling Out the Red Carpet in Brazil | The Corpus Christi | history and the traditional carpet in Brazil | customized carpets | tapete, rebuscado, retratar, serragem, borra de café, sucata, disposto |
24 | Brazilian Story Time or History Lesson? | The Independence of Brazil | history of the independence and holiday traditions | Brazilian Anthem | riacho, desagradar, regente, emancipação, marinha de guerra, espada, imperador |
25 | A Brazilian Holiday Meeting | The Republic Proclamation | history of the Republic, changes in Brazil | the 20th November holiday | imprensa, enfraquecer, escravatura, expulsar, cafeicultor, descontentamento, golpe militar |