The Top 12 Podcasts for Learning Portuguese


Are you an avid podcast listener? If your answer is a resounding yes, maybe you’re already making the most of this booming form of media to accelerate your language learning. But if you’re not yet listening to podcasts to learn Portuguese, we have news for you! 

With minimal effort, you can start putting your idle hours of commuting to work or doing house chores to great use. Podcasts can provide you with a daily dose of Portuguese learning while making you laugh or expanding your horizons on a variety of topics—and all of that mostly for free.

There are many reasons podcasts are so popular right now, with new ones popping up every day—including in the field of language learning. For one, many people are auditory learners. And even if that’s not the case for you, exposure to dialogue from native speakers is always helpful. 

But with so many Portuguese-language podcasts out there, how can you find the best place to start? In this article, we will help you understand why podcasts can be such a great tool to have in your Portuguese learning arsenal and how to make the most of them. By the time we’re done, you’ll also have an easy-to-access list of twelve Portuguese podcasts to choose from, whatever your current level. 

Grab your phone or your computer, put on some nice earphones, and let’s press play!

A Woman Lying on the Grass with Headphones on and Her Eyes Closed

Active listening is a powerful tool for language learning.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Portuguese Table of Contents
  1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Portuguese
  2. The 12 Best Portuguese Podcasts for All Levels
  3. Tricks and Tips to Help You Learn the Most with Portuguese Podcasts
  4. Learn More Portuguese with PortuguesePod101

1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Portuguese

We’ve already talked a big game about podcasts and how useful an addition they’ll be to your Portuguese learning routine. But I’m sure you want to see the receipts, right? Let’s dive into the benefits of listening to podcasts and the advantages of using them to learn Portuguese.

Transform any time into learning time.

We all have those moments when we aren’t really concentrating on what’s going on around us. Those moments might be commutes (during which we just watch people and listen to music) or maybe something mundane like household chores. 

Multitasking is not always the best idea when trying to achieve something, but listening to podcasts is a notable exception. Podcasts allow you to fill those hours of manual or repetitive activities with something fun and useful! 

Think about it: How many hours do you spend every month working out, sitting in traffic, or cleaning the house? If you devote even just a fraction of that time to learning Portuguese with podcasts, you’ll be giving yourself a huge boost.

There is something for everyone.

Podcasts have never been more popular—including in Brazil, Portugal, and other lusophone countries. As a result, there’s an ocean of options to choose from. 

Are you a history buff or a news addict? Maybe you prefer to laugh when listening to podcasts. Or perhaps you’re looking for an educational host who explains grammar and vocabulary. Trust us: There are podcasts available for all tastes, and then some!

In practice, this means that you can make your Portuguese learning experience more enjoyable by finding something you actually like. Once you do, you’ll find yourself looking forward to the next episode and to that next dose of Portuguese.

There are podcasts suited to all levels.

Similarly, you’re sure to find podcasts that fit your Portuguese level. After all, you don’t want to listen to something too easy and end up getting bored with it. It also isn’t a good idea to choose anything too complicated; that will make you want to give up.

Most podcasts are suitable for a range of levels. For example, there are Portuguese podcasts for beginners that will sometimes get into intermediate-level vocabulary. This is great because you won’t be constantly stuck on the same level. Listening to challenging but still understandable episodes is going to take you out of your comfort zone without overwhelming you.

And the best part? You’ll never hit a brick wall! Even when you achieve an advanced level, you can continue using Portuguese podcasts to practice. There are thousands of podcasts targeting native speakers, and you can listen to them to avoid getting rusty.

You can work on many skills at once.

Listening, by itself, won’t make you fluent. But oh boy, it can help on the way there! More specifically, listening to Portuguese podcasts is a way of getting lots of exposure to the language. This, in turn, can help you:

  • Practice your pronunciation by repeating some parts after the hosts
  • Get you familiar with the cadence and speed of the spoken language
  • Expand your vocabulary on particular topics 
  • Learn words used in daily conversation
  • Pick up new slang words or expressions used by locals
  • Prepare to participate in real-life conversations with native speakers by boosting your listening skills

They’re wallet-friendly.

Many podcasts (as well as their respective platforms) are free to access. Most of the time, premium services are offered as well, such as access to transcripts or ad-free episodes. You can decide how much you want to invest in your Portuguese learning—but it’s nice to be able to get started for free!

A Woman Laughing while Listening to a Podcast via Headphones

Laugh and learn with the right podcast for you.

2. The 12 Best Portuguese Podcasts for All Levels

1 – Todo Mundo Pod

This podcast offers two options for listeners. On their website, you can find English episodes with basic Portuguese tips. But if you feel comfortable listening to episodes entirely in Portuguese, then you can dive into Brazilian culture, interesting expressions, and other curiosities. Everything is explained with clear pronunciation that is great for beginners and intermediate learners. 

There are approximately two new free episodes every month—one in English and one in Portuguese—and almost 200 episodes in the archives. 

2 – Practice Portuguese 

This is an ideal European Portuguese podcast for beginners and intermediate learners. Their website includes a lot of resources, including vocabulary lists, explanations of the expressions used, and (for paid members) transcripts. Most of the content features intermediate-level dialogues, but the hosts’ explanations in English make it accessible for beginners. 

Each episode will bring you a dose of European Portuguese pronunciation and vocabulary, as well as some cultural information about Portugal. 

3 – PortuguesePod101

Of course, we couldn’t leave PortuguesePod101 off this list. With audio content spanning all levels, PortuguesePod101 is tailored to Portuguese learners and designed to guide you to fluency. We explore a variety of topics in hundreds of lessons. With us, you’ll learn grammar theory, be exposed to ample vocabulary, and discover information about the Brazilian (or Portuguese) lifestyle with native speakers.

There are also many resources you can explore, from the free vocabulary lists to premium, personalized guidance with a Portuguese-speaking teacher.

4 – Portuguese Lab

Tune in for dialogues and grammar tips in European Portuguese. On their website, it’s possible to filter by level or by type of episode, from lessons on vocabulary and phrases to stories. For beginners, the explanations in English will guide you through the grammar. If you’re at an intermediate or advanced level, you can benefit from the fully-Portuguese lessons. 

Although the episodes are short, the podcast is updated weekly; there are already hundreds of published recordings for you to listen to. 

5 – Brazilianing – Brazilian Portuguese

This is another good option for beginners who are learning Brazilian Portuguese with podcasts, especially those who want to learn more about the country and the culture. Some previously covered topics include travel tips, local festivities, and dining out in Brazil.

The host speaks in clear and slow Portuguese, and she uses English to explain some concepts, making this an ideal podcast for beginners. New episodes drop almost every week, and episode transcripts are available on the website. 

6 – Carioca Connection

Featuring a Brazilian host and an American host, this podcast brings you the perspectives of both a native Portuguese speaker and an (already advanced) Portuguese learner. With an emphasis on pronunciation, the conversations are laid-back and varied. 

As a bonus, this podcast will teach you all about the carioca way of speaking. So if you like the accent from Rio de Janeiro, this is the show for you. 

There are five seasons already available. On their website, you can purchase worksheets with transcripts, grammar and vocabulary notes, and more.

7 – Fala Gringo

Learn about Brazilian culture with Fala Gringo. Each episode covers an interesting topic that you might not hear much about in other podcasts. The host also explains expressions and gives Portuguese tips to help you improve your fluency. 

This podcast doesn’t shy away from heavier topics like xenophobia in Brazil, racism, and what it means to be Brazilian. Since the podcast is entirely in Portuguese, it’s a good option for intermediate and advanced learners who feel comfortable with faster-paced recordings.

There are new episodes of Fala Gringo every month. Some transcripts are available for free, and the most recent ones are available for premium subscribers.

An Assortment of Colored Books Held Together by a Pair of Headphones

Put theory into practice by listening to podcasts in Portuguese.

8 – Speaking Brazilian Podcast

Listen to a native Portuguese speaker at a natural speed with episodes that alternate between a variety of topics and formats: tips and explanations of vocabulary or grammar, cultural topics, and conversations with guests. This is a good Portuguese podcast to try if you want to improve your pronunciation.

New episodes come out every Wednesday. Free and paid resources are available on their website.

9 – Escriba Cafe

Escriba Cafe has been around for a long time, since 2014. This popular Portuguese history podcast tackles global, historical topics. So if you’re interested in learning about world history while practicing Portuguese, this is a great option! The host uses slow, clear pronunciation, and the variety of topics will expose you to a diverse vocabulary. 

New episodes are no longer coming out regularly, but the show is still running. With so many years of activity behind it, there are many hours of content to listen to. 

10 – Não Inviabilize

Não Inviabilize is a recent—but already popular—Brazilian podcast that features real-life stories told by the host. The pronunciation is clear, and the host uses familiar language that includes plenty of slang and local expressions. From love stories to thrilling experiences and embarrassing chronicles, this podcast is sure to put a smile on your face—with a Brazilian Portuguese twist. 

And the best part: There are three new episodes every week!

11 – A Minha Vida Dava um Filme

Advanced European Portuguese learners can tune in each week to hear a variety of conversations about life and movies. With a different guest in each episode, this podcast will expose you to different European Portuguese accents and slang terms. The conversations are colloquial and fast-paced, and this will definitely help you become more comfortable with the natural flow of European Portuguese. 

There are already over a hundred 1-hour-long episodes for you to binge on.

12 – Café da Manhã

Want to have your café da manhã (“breakfast”) with a dose of Portuguese and the daily news? Then this podcast from the newspaper Folha de São Paulo is for you! Every day, listen to 20-30 minutes of a dynamic installment that includes interviews and sound bites. The vocabulary is advanced, and although the pronunciation is mostly clear, the speech is fast-paced. If you’re up for the challenge, it will definitely advance your Portuguese learning!

Two Couples, with the Women Embracing the Men from Behind

After a while, you’ll start feeling like the podcast hosts are your best friends!

3. Tricks and Tips to Help You Learn the Most with Portuguese Podcasts 

If all you do is start listening to podcasts in Portuguese right now, you’ll already be giving yourself an advantage. But there are some things you can do to make the experience even more beneficial. Let’s discuss the top tips for learning Portuguese more effectively with podcasts.

Choose a topic that truly interests you. Don’t make listening to Portuguese podcasts feel like another chore. It should be an interesting activity, a moment you look forward to, and a way to practice the language. So, find podcasts that talk about topics you enjoy—and if some episodes are not your cup of tea, you can always skip them.

Find the right host. Each host has a unique style that makes all the difference. Sometimes you just don’t like their voice, and it might make it really hard to focus on what is being said. Or sometimes their accent is not your favorite. But when you do find the kind of host you like, you’ll pretty quickly start feeling like you made a new friend! 

Choose a good platform. Make the experience as easy as possible for yourself by finding a platform that has many options available. For example, you can find many of the above-listed Portuguese podcasts on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. These platforms allow you to easily go back or forward a few seconds in the audio, which is always a handy feature.

Pick the right Portuguese variety. Look for podcasts made for the dialect of Portuguese you want to learn. After all, there is quite a difference in pronunciation between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese—not to mention the cultural aspects! So if you’re interested in going to Angola or Mozambique, Brazil or Portugal, listen to podcasts made by hosts from that specific place.

Know your level, but also experiment. It’s a good idea to understand what your current level of listening comprehension and vocabulary is beforehand. This will help you find the right podcasts from the start. You don’t want to be overly comfortable and bored, nor frustrated at being completely lost. But after some time, give yourself permission to explore more advanced podcasts or new topics. By trying to comprehend a difficult (but still understandable) episode, you’ll be giving your Portuguese skills a good workout.

Active listening. Since we can listen to podcasts while doing other activities, it’s easy to get distracted and not really pay attention to what’s being said. Instead of letting it play as background noise, make an effort to follow the conversation. For example, if there is a word or expression you don’t recognize, pause and try to infer its meaning from the context. Then, do a quick search to confirm it or understand it better. 

Change the speed as needed. If the host speaks too slowly for you, you can always speed it up and increase the challenge a little. Or if you want to try an episode that’s a bit advanced for you, give it a listen at a slightly slower speed. You might be able to handle it with this simple tweak!

Make it a habit. As with most things, constancy is king here. Get some Portuguese exposure every day, even if it’s only 10 minutes or less. Soon, you’ll find yourself understanding more and more of each episode.

Repeat after the hosts. Podcasts in Portuguese are a perfect tool to practice your pronunciation. If you hear a new word or one that you have been struggling with, listen closely. Pause the audio and try to repeat in the same intonation. Go back a few seconds, listen again, and repeat after the host once more. Do this until you feel confident with your pronunciation. Doing this exercise a few times a day will help improve your speaking skills. 

Read the transcripts. If available, transcripts will come in very handy. You can read along as you listen or just use the transcript to check whether you comprehend everything. It is also a good way to get familiar with grammar structures, as you can take your time to go over the text. Some podcasts (like PortuguesePod101) also provide vocabulary lists with the transcripts, which you can then add to your own vocabulary decks or a notebook.

Engage. Most podcasts have social media profiles or publicly displayed email addresses. That means you can drop the hosts a line to share your thoughts about the podcast or to let them know that they’re helping you. Some bigger podcasts might even have communities on Facebook or Reddit, where you can interact with other listeners.

A Man Typing Something on a Laptop

Podcast hosts love hearing about your experience with their shows, so drop them a line!

4. Learn More Portuguese with PortuguesePod101

Have we convinced you to include podcasts in your language learning toolkit? Give it a try and enjoy the results. By following our best practice tips and getting started with the Portuguese podcasts we listed in this article, you will reap the benefits pretty quickly. 

Do you already use podcasts to learn Portuguese? Share some of your favorite ones with us in the comments below!

To take your skills to the next level, continue exploring PortuguesePod101! We provide lots of free Portuguese resources and vocabulary lists for all situations. Go ahead and choose your favorite tools to expand your learning opportunities.

If you want to take your learning experience further, members of get access to the largest language lesson library in the world, with thousands of real lessons by real teachers. Perfect for anyone who wants to learn from anywhere, feel motivated, and be ready to speak Portuguese with confidence.

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