Beyond Portuguese Curse Words – Getting Angry in Portuguese


Not everything will be hunky-dory during your visit to Brazil. When the time comes for you to express yourself, knowing a few angry phrases in Portuguese will be immensely helpful for you, especially if things get heated. Knowing these phrases will help you vocalize your anger or understand what’s being told to you in a not-so-happy fashion. But hey, there’s no need to shower anyone with Portuguese curse words!

While you can learn how to curse in Portuguese, the best way to express yourself in those heated moments is to have some milder angry phrases up your sleeve. Let’s help you with that!

It’s worth noting that some dirty words can be used in common sentences and be “stripped” of the profanity. But for now, let’s keep it simple. In our list below, we’ll only give one example of such a word.

With that, keep reading to learn how to let others know you’re angry in Brazilian Portuguese!

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Table of Contents

  1. Angry Imperatives
  2. Angry Warnings
  3. Describing How You Feel
  4. Conclusion: How to Calm Yourself Down When You’re Angry

1. Angry Imperatives

1- “Shut your mouth!”

It’s almost comical that in many languages, Portuguese included, one of the first angry phrases to come out always involves telling someone to zip it. It can be a little rude, sure, but sometimes it’s necessary to let it fly and not hide your feelings. To tell someone to shut up, you can say Cala a Boca!

It’s a literal translation, word per word. Simple and straightforward, and it leaves no need for Portuguese swearing. However, you still have to be really careful about when and how you use this phrase. Because if you let it slip at the wrong time or in the wrong way, it’s time to say sorry.

2- “Enough!”

You’ve had enough. To tell someone to stop what they’re doing in Portuguese, just say Chega!

You can use this phrase in many different scenarios. For example, when somebody is complaining a lot and you can’t take it anymore. All of us have a friend who won’t stop complaining about the night out, the bar, the music, the food. Or maybe you’ve had to travel or deal with kids who won’t stop running, crying, and screaming. When that happens, all you can say is… CHEGA!

Man Screaming

3- “Leave me in peace.”

This angry phrase is kind of like “Leave me alone,” but after saying this one, someone is more likely to just go and talk to someone else. To say this in Portuguese, it’s Me deixa em paz!

You’re infuriated with someone, and you really want them to know this. Paz is “peace,” and it can mean a lot of things in this case: being alone, continuing to do what you were doing, or even going to talk with somebody else.

4- “Get lost!”

The translation of vazamento is “leak,” but when you use vaza in an angry phrase, you’re telling someone to scram, get out, or disappear. It’s a colloquial expression to make it clear that you can’t stand that person and you want them to get lost.

2. Angry Warnings

Angry outbursts in Portuguese wouldn’t be complete without a few warning phrases to get started. Let’s see a few of the most common ones:

1- “Don’t be on top of me!”

You’re trying to establish some ground in an argument or discussion, and you don’t want anybody to mess with you. That’s when you say: Não vem para cima de mim!

The literal translation above gives a sense of what this phrase means in Portuguese, but the threatening tone is more like “Don’t mess with me.” If you say this, you’ll make it clear that this is your turf no matter what anyone else says.

You can mix some Portuguese curse words in here, and maybe you’ll hear that version. But trust me: keep it classy and the message will be the same.

2- “This is the last time I’ll say it!”

Mother Scolding Child

Every mom and dad in the world can relate to this sentence. In Portuguese, it’s the same structure: Esta é a última vez que eu vou falar!

After that, the only thing the kid can do is stop whatever he or she is doing.

3- “Not here!”

You’re explicitly saying that a certain action is forbidden in a determined place: Aqui não!

You can say or hear this Portuguese angry phrase in many situations. For example, a traffic officer warning you that you can’t park in a driveway; that’s a clear scenario. But you can also hear this phrase other times.

For example, when two teams are playing in a stadium and the home team wins, you can see a player telling the fans aqui não, meaning “not in our home.”

4- “I don’t want to see you even if you are painted in gold.”

In English, this one seems weird. But when you want to be crystal-clear about not wanting to see that person, you can say in Portuguese: Não quero te ver nem pintado de ouro!

It’s harsh, but it fits if you’ve had a bad breakup with your partner, a bad encounter with your boss, or any other very negative experience with a person who gets on your nerves.

5- “Where was your head at?”

Here’s another universal expression that’s so real when you’re talking to a friend who seems to have lost it. In Portuguese, you can say: Onde você estava com a cabeça?

This phrase can serve as a warning, or simply as an exclamation after you hear a surprising story your friend told you. “Onde você estava com a cabeça when you went on a date with that guy?” Or: “Are you crazy? Onde você estava com a cabeça?

6- “Who do you think you are?”

Another classic. If someone says this phrase has never crossed his/her mind, you can call that person out for blatantly lying! In Portuguese, you say it like this: Quem você pensa que é?

You can use this phrase when you think somebody is thinking too highly of himself/herself. For example, people who are likely to use this phrase include a parent trying to put some sense into his sons, or a meddling coworker stepping where he/she shouldn’t be.

If you’re thinking about adding a “You think you’re better than me?” afterward, this, unfortunately, isn’t very common in Portuguese. A bunch of Portuguese swear words can follow, or not. It’s up to you.

7- “You screwed everything up!”

Woman Blaming Man for Something

A project, a relationship, anything that wasn’t done properly by the other people involved. To voice your blame toward them, you can say Você ferrou com tudo!

You can use this phrase when you’re speaking to a coworker who didn’t manage a situation how he/she should have. I know that the word “screwed” is a little bit ugly, but rest assured that ferrar is not counted among the Portuguese swear words.

8- “It was.”

Yes, it seems weird, but Brazilians say “It was,” a lot. You have to understand what they mean by that and why it can be an angry phrase. First of all, in Portuguese, it’s: Já era.

Basically, you say this when something has reached a point of no return. For example:

  • A: “Can we catch the bus that leaves at one p.m. (it’s already 1:03 p.m.) to Cristo Redentor?”
  • B: “That bus já era.”

In the example above, the phrase isn’t used angrily. But try telling a client an insensitive joke and see him/her leave the room.

  • You: “Can I try to win him back and still have a job?”
  • Your boss: “Você (you) já era!”

9- “None of your business.”

When someone asks you about something that’s very personal or that you can’t really share with them, you can tell them loud and clear: Não é da sua conta.

For example, if somebody asks how much you make per month and you don’t feel like answering, this phrase is perfect.

10- “That goes on your tab.”

No, that’s not a phrase only a waiter can say. Essa vai para a sua conta can also be a direct way to point your finger at someone for messing something up. For example, when you’re playing soccer and your goalie doesn’t make an easy save. Let it rip!

11- “You don’t listen to me.”

Ahh, nothing tops a classic. If you’ve ever been in a serious relationship, you know this one is the bread-and-butter that starts, ends, or just brings all the flair in the middle of a fight. In Portuguese, it’s Você não me escuta.

But hey, Você não me escuta is not a monopoly for couples. You can say it to a friend who’s giving the wrong directions on a trip and not listening to what you’re saying about going the other way. That’s called versatility.

3. Describing How You Feel


Now, let’s learn how to actually describe your emotions. In this section, we’ll outline how to say “I am angry” in Portuguese a few different (and creative) ways.

1- “I’m pissed off.”

Yes, it seems like we’re resorting to Portuguese swear words. Not so fast, cowboy!

When you’re really pissed off, puta/puto (“prostitute,” both genders) transforms from a curse word into a description of when someone is really angry. In Portuguese, a common phrase is Estou muito puto/puta.

For example, something went wrong at work and the blame fell on you. Because you’re angry, you say Estou muito puto(a), and people understand that you’re mad, not that you’re exploring other ventures.

2- “My balls are full.”

Very Frustrated Man

Again, this one seems really rude, but Estou de saco cheio is a really common expression, and even Presidents use it. It means that you have no patience for anything.

You want a classic example that will make you understand?

Let me paint you a picture: Monday has arrived, it’s early, you have to work, and now you’re facing a really full subway. Done: Your saco cheio is at a record high.

3- “I’m without a head for it.”

This is similar to saco cheio, but more polished: Estou sem cabeça para isso.

Instead of lacking patience, you simply can’t do a specific task right that moment because it requires something that you don’t have.

  • A: “Can you run those numbers and deliver a report?”
  • B: “Estou sem cabeça para isso.

4- “It can’t be done anymore.” / “I can’t do it anymore.”

When you can’t take it anymore or something isn’t possible, you say: Não dá mais.

This phrase is considerably more polished than Já era. For example, when your boss is saying that grammar errors on presentations can’t be accepted anymore:

Não dá mais, the clients will leave if they see Brasil with a Z again!”

Negative Verbs

4. Conclusion: How to Calm Yourself Down When You’re Angry

Of course, it’s best that you don’t use any of these Portuguese angry phrases, but that’s not realistic. So before you start looking for articles about how to curse in Brazilian Portuguese, the best thing to do is to keep those words in mind, but when you’re on the verge of saying them, try to calm yourself.

There are many ways to do this.

First of all, a classic: Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and count to five. Try to forget about everything during those five seconds and then think of a good, positive solution. You can think of the other person’s point of view, try to reach a middle point, or just forget it. Let it go.

If that exercise isn’t doing much, get out and run, walk, bike, exercise, or just stare at the sun and smell the roses. That will leave you more time to think about things and relax to make a better-informed decision.

Last, but not least, do something you like if you feel burned or stressed out. Go to the movies, listen to your favorite artist, read a book, write in your journal, or even take a trip if you have more time.

The main thing is not to explode and worsen a situation, only to later regret the way you acted. Take your time to digest everything, and then find the best solution. This can be applied to anything: relationships, work, family… Use your Portuguese for the best!

With PortuguesePod101, you can learn vocabulary applicable to everyday situations, study the pronunciation of common words, and discover what words or phrases to use in specific situations. That way, you can learn faster and use your knowledge right away!

Before you go, let us know in the comments how you calm yourself down when angry or frustrated. We look forward to hearing from you!

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