
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Thássia: Bom dia!
Braden : Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 24 - Brazilian Shopping Mall Movies. So Thássia, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
Thássia: In this lesson, you will learn how to use the two-word future construction in Brazilian Portuguese.
Braden: Where does this conversation takes place and who is it between?
Thássia: This conversation takes place at the bus stop and it’s between Leonardo and Julie.
Braden: What’s the formality level of this conversation?
Thássia: The speakers are friends, so they'll be speaking informally. Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Leonardo: O que vamos fazer hoje?
Julie: Bem, primeiro vamos visitar Andréia.
Leonardo: E vamos fazer o que depois?
Julie: Depois vamos assistir um filme no cinema.
Leonardo: Andréia vai conosco?
Braden:One time slowly.
Leonardo: O que vamos fazer hoje?
Julie: Bem, primeiro vamos visitar Andréia.
Leonardo: E vamos fazer o que depois?
Julie: Depois vamos assistir um filme no cinema.
Leonardo: Andréia vai conosco?
Braden:One time fast with translation.
Julie: O que vamos fazer hoje?
Braden : What are we going to we do today?
Julie: Bem, primeiro vamos visitar Andréia.
Braden: Well, first we're going to visit Andréia.
Julie: E vamos fazer o que depois?
Braden: And what will we do after?
Julie: Depois vamos assistir um filme no cinema.
Braden : Afterward, we'll watch a movie at the theater.
Julie: Andréia vai conosco?
Braden : Will Andréia come with us?
Braden: Going to the movies. You know, I've noticed that in Brazil, movie theaters are often located in shopping malls.
Thássia: Many of them are. There's more people in a shopping mall already so it's easier to put it all in one place.
Braden: I bet it helps with sales too.
Thássia: Probably. A movie ticket usually costs R$15 or more per person.
Braden : Okay, so R$15. Is that a lot of money or is that cheap?
Thássia: Well, I don’t think it’s a lot of money but it’s expensive anyway.
Braden: Fifteen reals converts to about $7 or so, and that’s not very much money. But in Brazil, R$15 can do a lot of stuff. For example, what could you buy with R$15?
Thássia: I could buy rice and beans for two weeks. I could have dinner in a restaurant. I could a pair of flipflops.
Braden: So when you’re in Brazil, you need to think in reals, right, not in dollar.
Thássia: Sure.
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is…
Thássia: Cinema [natural native speed].
Braden : Movie theater; cinema.
Thássia: Cinema [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Cinema [natural native speed].
Braden: And our next word is…
Thássia: Filme [natural native speed].
Braden: Film, movie.
Thássia: Filme [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Filme [natural native speed].
Braden: And next we have…
Thássia: Assistir [natural native speed].
Braden : To watch.
Thássia: Assistir [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Assistir [natural native speed].
Braden: And our next word is…
Thássia: Conosco [natural native speed].
Braden : With us.
Thássia: Conosco [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Conosco [natural native speed].
Braden: And the next word is…
Thássia: Ir [natural native speed].
Braden : To go.
Thássia. Ir [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Ir [natural native speed].
Braden: And the next word is…
Thássia: Hoje [natural native speed].
Braden : Today.
Thássia: Hoje [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Hoje [natural native speed].
Braden: And next we have…
Thássia: Fazer [natural native speed].
Braden: To make; to do.
Thássia: Fazer [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Fazer [natural native speed].
Braden: And our last word is…
Thássia: Primeiro [natural native speed].
Braden: First.
Thássia: Primeiro [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Primeiro [natural native speed].
Braden : Let's take a closer look at one of the words from this lesson. Thássia, what are we going to look at in this lesson?
Thássia: The first word we’ll look at is "conosco."
Braden: In the dialogue, Leonardo asked…
Thássia: "Andréia vai conosco?"
Braden: Because he wanted to know if Andréia was going with them to the movies.
Thássia: "Conosco" is a kind of contraction of the words "com," which means "with," and "nos," which means "us."
Braden : And the pronunciation of this word, the "os”, are they open or closed?
Thássia: Well, they are closed, “conosco. Conosco.
Braden: There are three other words like this, which are…
Thássia: “Comigo"…
Braden: Which means, "with me…"
Thássia: "Contigo," which means "with you."
Braden: And "consigo," which means "with them."
Thássia: The words "comigo," "contigo," and "conosco" are used every day and are acceptable in both formal and informal situations.
Braden: "Consigo," on the other hand, is pretty odd. How does it sound to you, Thássia?
Thássia: It sounds weird.
Braden: Sounds weird. Does it sound like planned.
Thássia: Oh, yes. You pretend you’re trying to be smart. I don’t know, but if you use “consigo” in a conversation, you sound very, very strange.
Braden: Let's take a look at the grammar point for this lesson.

Lesson focus

Thássia: The focus of this lesson is the two-word future construction in Portuguese.
Braden: This is a very useful lesson.
Thássia: We use this every single day.
Braden: Yes, they do.
Thássia: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase "O que vamos fazer hoje?"
Braden: Which means "What are we going to do today?"
Thássia: In Portuguese, the verb "ir" is used to form one of the future tenses.
Braden : This future tense is called the two-word future. This two-word future expresses future action in the same way as "will be" or "going to."
Thássia: The two-word future consists of the conjugated form of the verb "ir" followed by a verb in the infinitive.
Braden: Remember that infinitive just means that it is base or dictionary form.
Thássia: So the formula is "ir," plus infinitive verb, meaning "to be going to (do something)" or "will be (doing something)."
Braden: For example, the sentence "I'm going to study tomorrow," would be…
Thássia: "Eu vou estudar amanhã." "Vou" is the conjugated form of "ir" and " estudar" means "to study" and it’s in the infinitive form.
Braden: Another example would be "they are going to study now," which is…
Thássia: "Eles vão estudar agora." "Vão" is a conjugated form of "ir", and as we said before, "estudar" means "to study" in the infinitive form.
Braden : That just about does it for this lesson.
Thássia: Want to make the vocab words from this lesson stick?
Braden: Check out the vocabulary list provider with each lesson, available to premium members.
Thássia: Click on anywhere to automatically add it to your word bank.
Braden: Words added to your word bank can be made into flashcards you use to quiz yourself.
Thássia: Give it a try at PortuguesePod101.com.
Braden: See you later.
Thássia: Ciao!

