Hello and welcome to Portuguese Survival Phrases brought to you by, this course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Brazil. You will be surprised at how far a little Portuguese will go. |
Now, before we jump in, remember to stop by and there, you will find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. |
Lesson focus
In today's lesson, we'll cover an extremely important phrase: "Where is the bathroom?" |
In Portuguese, "Where is the bathroom?" is Onde fica o banheiro? |
Let’s break it down by syllable: Onde fica o banheiro? |
One time fast: Onde fica o banheiro? |
Let's take a look at the components. The first word, onde, means "where." |
So let's break down this word and hear it one more time: onde |
And one time fast: onde |
This is followed by fica, which in Portuguese is "stays." |
So to recap here, we have onde fica. Literally, this means "where stays," or "Where is it located." |
The word fica is used for things that are permanently located somewhere, like buildings, countries, and monuments. |
Let's take a look at the next word, o, which means "the." |
O |
O |
Last, we have banheiro, which means "bathroom." |
Banheiro |
Banheiro |
Banheiro |
So all together, we have Onde fica o banheiro? Literally, this means "Where stays the bathroom?" or "Where is the bathroom?" |
This phrase is very useful if you are in a restaurant or at a meeting in a new place, but if you're at someone's home (which is very probable because Brazilians love guests), a request like "May I use the bathroom?" is much more appropriate. |
In Portuguese, "May I use the bathroom?" is Eu poderia usar o banheiro? |
Eu poderia usar o banheiro? |
Eu poderia usar o banheiro? |
Let's take a look at the components. The first word, eu, means "I." |
Eu |
Eu |
Next, we have poderia, which means, "could" or “may.” This is followed by usar, which in Portuguese is "use." |
Usar |
Usar |
So to recap here, we have Eu poderia usar. Literally, this means, "I could use." Let's take a look at the next word, o, which means "the." |
O |
O |
And again, we have banheiro. |
Banheiro |
Banheiro |
So all together, we have Eu poderia usar o banheiro? (Literally, this means "May I use the bathroom?") |
Cultural Insights |
So a quick culture tip on this that is very important for you to know and understand is that Brazilians put their toilet paper in a special trash can near the toilet. They don't flush the paper. The reality is that plumbing is done with small pipes and the paper clogs the tubes. I don't know why they just don't put in bigger pipes, but that's how it's done. I told an American this and she thought I was trying to play a trick on her so she didn't do it. Lo and behold, the toilet she was using became clogged and started overflowing. It wasn't a big deal, and we got everything taken care of and cleaned up pretty quickly, but she was very embarrassed. |
Okay, to close out this lesson, we'd like you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for saying it aloud. You have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so boa sorte! |
"Where is the bathroom?" - Onde fica o banheiro? |
Onde fica o banheiro? |
Onde fica o banheiro? |
"May I use the bathroom?" - Eu poderia usar o banheiro? |
Eu poderia usar o banheiro? |
Eu poderia usar o banheiro? |
Alright, that's going to do it for today. Remember to stop by and pick up the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. |
HideBoa noite!
This is certainly a Survival Phrase, don't you think?
Oi Győző,
Yes, that's a problem!
By the way, we have a very common dish in Brazil that comes from Russia - estrogonofe!
It's so delicious! Of course we put our spin on it, so you should definitely try when you go to Brazil!
Heureka! At last a thing which is commun between the Brazilian and the Russian empire: The Paper Problem! :-)
Olá Shanya,
Thanks for posting.
In the lesson, "Onde fica o banheiro?" (Where is the bathroom?), the verb "ficar" means "to be situated or located" and is commonly used in this expression, instead of the verb "estar" (to be).
If you have any further doubts, please let us know. :wink:
Is "fica" the same as està, as in where is something located?
Olá Dan,
Tudo bem?
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So why do your emails say free lesson of the day then when you click on it you can't get anything?
Olá Achim,
Thanks for posting!
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There is nothing free on this page ...people are probaly better off using duolingo
Bom dia Miemie,
Thanks for your message.
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Bom dia Cristiane
As you can see, they said this lesson is for free, but I can't download the MP3!
Today's Free PortuguesePod101 lesson is: 'Survival Phrases Season 1 #6 - Must-Know Portuguese: Where Is The Bathroom?'
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Até mais
Olá Carlos,
Thanks for posting!
For "Where is the men’s restroom/bathroom, please?" you can say "Onde fica o banheiro dos homens, por favor?"; For "Where is the women’s restroom/bathroom, please?" we say "Onde fica o banheiro das mulheres, por favor?".
In this case "onde fica" and "onde é" have the same meaning, as you're asking where is the location of the restroom; so, you could also use ""Onde é o banheiro dos homens, por favor?".
Oi, eu novamente,
what is the difference between "onde fica o banheiro?" and "onde é o banheiro?"
Boa tarde,
just wondering, if you want to be more specific, how do you say "where is the ladies toilets? or where is the mens toilets?
Oi Sami,
De nada. Sempre que tiver dúvidas, pode nos perguntar :wink:
Sempre morei em São Paulo. É uma cidade bem agitada, mas tem muito trânsito!
Boa noite Cristiane,
Tudo bem?
Obrigado pela resposta.
Onde você mora no Brasil?
Até logo
Oi Sami,
Você poderia dizer:
You could say:
"Se afaste um pouco para eu tirar uma foto."
(Go a little backwards so I can take a picture)
"Coloque as mãos pra cima"
(Put your hands up/ Raise your hands up)
"Diga 'x' "
(Say x - in Portuguese "x" has a similar sound as cheese)
"A foto ficou bonita"
(Pretty picture/photo)
Boa noite Cristiane
Obrigado pela ajuida.
How can I say in Portuguese?
Go backwards
raise your hand up
say cheese
Pretty photo
Olá Sami,
Here is a lesson with lots of vocabulary related to your question:
Boyfriends and Girlfriends Day -
The sentences you asked about could be like this:
"Penso em você o dia todo" (I think about you all day long)
"Estou completamente apaixonado por você" (I'm completely in love with you)
"Sou louco por você" (literally: "I'm crazy about you"), but this last sentence it's not very common, okay?
"Você é a pessoa mais importante (or "especial") da minha vida" (You're the most important( or special) person in my life).
Boa noite Cristiane
Obrigado pela ajuda.
How can I say in Portuguese?
I think of you all the day long.
I'm crazy of you.
You are the most important person in my life.
Até logo
Bom dia Sami,
Usually when we want to ask someone to be quieter, to talk not so loud, we'd say:
"Por favor, poderia falar um pouco mais baixo?"
(Could you please talk a little more softly/ less loudly?)
It's not recommended to use too direct phrases/sentences, as the person may feel offended, okay?
About the other sentences, you could say:
"Não quero que a gente brigue mais" (I don't want us to fight anymore)
"Não diga essas coisas que eu fico chateado" (Don't say such things because I get upset)